
Potiomkin in UK

Terminas „Potiomkino kaimas“ gimė 1787 metais, kai grafas Potiomkinas, norėdamas įsiteikti imperatorei Jekaterinai II ir ją lydintiems užsienio svečiams, keliaujantiems per neseniai prie Rusijos prijungtas Ukrainos žemes, ėmėsi statyti butaforinius kaimus ir varinėti po juos tą patį valstiečių būrį.
Taip jis siekė pademonstruoti, kad Rusija sėkmingai kolonizuoja ir civilizuoja savo naująsias valdas.
Nuo tada pasakymas „Potiomkino kaimas“ įsitvirtino rusų kalboje kaip bendrinis apgavystės ir padlaižiavimo vadovybei apibūdinimas.

Ši aukštų svečių priėmimo tradicija gyvavo ir Rusijos imperijoje, ir Sovietų Sąjungoje.

Ne mažiau sėkmingai ji gyvuoja ir dabartinėje Rusijoje Didžiojoje Britanijoje.

(Reuters) - Local councils in Northern Ireland have painted fake shop fronts and covered derelict buildings with huge billboards to hide the economic hardship being felt in towns and villages near the golf resort where G8 leaders will meet this month.

Northern Ireland's government has spent 2 million pounds tackling dereliction over the past two years, the province's environment department said, demolishing some buildings and giving others a facelift in a bid to make areas more attractive.

Almost a quarter of so-called dereliction funds were freed up for local councilors in the county of Fermanagh in anticipation of Britain hosting the annual Group of Eight leaders summit there on June 17-18. More than 100 properties have been spruced up.

In the one-street town of Belcoo, the changes are merely cosmetic. At a former butcher's shop, stickers applied to the windows show a packed meat counter and give the impression that business is booming.

Across the street, another empty unit has been given a makeover to look like a thriving office supply shop.

Locals are unimpressed.


Beauty full.

More than 100 properties within range of the Lough Erne resort which hosts the G8 Summit have been tidied up, painted or power-hosed.

"The town looks fantastic, it's a good excuse for people to get doing work,” one painter said.


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