

Kaip pagauti sėkmę?

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A pagan divinity explicitly mentioned in Is., lxv, 11, where the Hebrew name Image, "Gad", is rightly rendered "Fortune" in the Vulgate. As far as is known in the present day, Gad is a word of Chanaanite origin, which, long before the passage of Isaias just referred to was written, had, from a mere appellative, become the proper name of a deity. Biblical testimony to the ancient worship of Gad in Chanaan is certainly found in the names of such places as Baalgad (Joshua 11:17; 12:7; 13:5) and Maglalgad "tower of Gad" (Joshua 15:37). A trace of Gad's worship in Syria may perhaps be found in Lia's exclamation Image "begad" on the birth of her first son when she also called "Gad" (Genesis 30:11); this was admitted of old by St. Augustine (Quæstiones in Heptateuchum, in P.L., XXXIV, col. 571), and at a much more recent date by Dom Calmet, in his Commentary on Genesis.


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