
Ни рыба, ни мясо

Special drawing rights (SDRs) are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Not a currency, SDRs instead represent a claim to currency held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged.


Nelengva, tur būt.

As they can only be exchanged for euros, Japanese yen, pounds sterling, or US dollars, SDRs may actually represent a potential claim on IMF member countries' nongold foreign exchange reserve assets, which are usually held in those currencies. While they may appear to have a far more important part to play or, perhaps, an important future role, being the unit of account for the IMF has long been the main function of the SDR.

Why future?

Komunistas revoliucionierius, be abejo, šitiek žino.

Kam reikia tokio - nei šiokio, nei tokio - padaro, padaryto iš keturių pinigėlių=skolų, kuris pats nėra nei pinigas, nei skola?

Специальные права заимствования (англ. Special Drawing Rights, SDR, SDRs) — искусственное резервное и платёжное средство, эмитируемое Международным валютным фондом (МВФ). Имеет только безналичную форму в виде записей на банковских счетах, банкноты не выпускались.


Nesunku, tur būt.

Не является ни валютой, ни долговым обязательством. Имеет ограниченную сферу применения, обращается только внутри МВФ. Используется для регулирования сальдо платёжных балансов, для покрытия дефицита платежного баланса, пополнения резервов, расчётов по кредитам МВФ.

Это платёжное средство было создано МВФ в 1969 году как дополнение к существующим резервным активам стран-членов. Основная цель создания: преодоление парадокса Триффина в рамках валютной системыпротиворечия между международным характером использования и национальной природой валют.

... противоречия между международным характером использования и национальной природой валют.

Koks prieštaravimas!

Nenugalėjo Trifino paradokso...

Since 2004, the BIS has published its accounts in terms of special drawing rights (SDRs), replacing the gold franc as the bank's unit of account. As of March 2007 (end of month) the bank had total assets of $409.15 billion, given a dollar/SDR exchange rate of 1.51 for March 30, 2007. Included in that total is 150 tons of fine gold.

In other words they can do whatever they want, without consequences.

By controlling foreign exchange currency, plus gold, the BIS can go a long way toward determining the economic conditions in any given country.

Ни рыба, ни мясо?

The BIS was founded in 1930 by Governor of The Bank of England, Montague Norman and his German colleague Hjalmar Schacht, who later became Adolf Hitler’s finance minister.

Some historians too quickly credit Owen Young as the idea-man for the Bank for International Settlements. It was actually Hjalmar Schacht who first proposed the idea[3], which was then carried forward by the same group of international bankers who brought us the Dawes and Young Plans.

The board of directors who control the BIS include(d?) Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke and Bank of England head Mervyn King, as well as Trichet himself.

Na ir?

Just as with the institutions that comprised the embryonic stages of the European Union, Nazi fingerprints are all over the origins of the move towards a global authority ruling the planet with nation states and sovereignty playing second fiddle.

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