
K Street

Lobistas Andrius recidyvistą Petrą areštinėje mokė anglų kalbos .

Ilsėjosi abudu.

38. tai 2012-07-29 09:43 IP:
kaip čia yra?Kai advokatai perdavinėja kyšius teisėjams ir prokurorams,tai juos gaudo ir sodina(bent teoriškai),o kai lobistai perdavinėja kyšius politikams,tai jau ne?Man atrodo čia labai panašios profesijos.

45. del lobistu 2012-07-29 12:31 IP:
"ir kiti Lietuvos lobistai jaučiasi nesaugiai. Juk visuomenėje formuojama nuostata, kad visi jie potencialūs kyšininkai arba kyšių davėjai", bet juk taip ir yra. Net JAV lobizmas is esmes yra legalus kyshininkavimas.

1863, Amer.Eng., from lobby (n.) in the political sense + -ist.
[A] strong lobbyist will permit himself to lose heavily at the poker-table, under the assumption that the great Congressman who wins the stake will look leniently upon the little appropriation he means to ask for. [George A. Townsend, "Events at the National Capital and the Campaign of 1876," Hartford, Conn., 1876]

lobby (n.)
1530s, "cloister, covered walk," from M.L. laubia, lobia "covered walk in a monastery," from a Germanic source (cf. O.H.G. louba "hall, roof;" see lodge (n.)). Meaning "large entrance hall in a public building" is from 1590s. Political sense of "those who seek to influence legislation" is attested by 1790s in Amer.Eng., in reference to the custom of influence-seekers gathering in large entrance-halls outside legislative chambers. The verb in this sense is first attested 1826. Related: Lobbied; lobbying.

O.H.G. louba "hall, roof;"



Ar aiškino lobistas Andrius recidyvistui Petrui areštinėje, kad organizuoja stogą

recidivist (n.)
"relapsed criminal," 1863, from Fr. récidiviste, from récidiver "to fall back, relapse," from M.L. recidivare "to relapse into sin," from L. recidivus "falling back," from recidere "fall back," from re- "back, again" (see re-) + comb. form of caedere "to fall" (see case (1)).

L. recidivus.

Recidyvistas Petras, matyt, dyvijosi ir atsidyvit negalėjo: dyvų dyvai!

Recidyvistais, lobisto nuomone, tampama dėl piktnaudžiavimo alkoholiu.

Lobistas gi nevalgo kiaulienos.

Už lobistą laidavo daugiau nei trys šimtai žinomų šalies žmonių.

Since the 1980s, congresspersons and staffers have been "going downtown" -- becoming lobbyists—and the big draw is money.

The "lucrative world of K Street" means that former congresspersons with even "modest seniority" can move into jobs paying $1 million or more annually, without including bonuses for bringing in new clients.

The general concern of this revolving-door activity is that elected officials—persons who were supposed to represent the interests of citizens—have instead become entangled with the big-money interests of for-profit corporations and interest groups with narrow concerns, and that public officials have been taken over by private interests

In political discourse, "K Street" has become a metonym for Washington's lobbying industry since many lobbying firms were traditionally located on the section in Northwest Washington which passes from Georgetown through a portion of downtown D.C.

In Washington's street grid there are two unconnected streets designated as K Street. The term "K Street" almost always refers to the northern K Street.

Sąmokslo teoretikai šneka kad JAV senatoriai devyniasdešimt nuošimčių pajamų gauna iš lobistų.

Niekas jų imti neverčia, gali tenkintis likusiais dešimčia procentų.

Juk demokratija.

"K Street: The route of all evil, or just the main drag?"

"K Street Whore"".

"Lobbying Database - OpenSecrets".

O durys paveikslėlyje tai Kinijos centrinio banko...

P.S. Lobistas ir recidyvistas...

Teismas patenkino .....isto apeliaciją, uždarame posėdyje.

Jo advokatas teigia, kad po šios nutarties .....istas įgyja teisę kreiptis su ieškiniu į Europos žmogaus teisių teismą Strasbūre dėl žalos atlyginimo ir prašyti kompensacijos.

cf. Skt. vakti "speaks, says,"

O.Prus. wackis "cry;"

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