
Jėzuitai pradingo

Vakar papasakojau apie savo jėzuitines paranojas, pažadėjau nusiųst nuorodas, gi žiūriu - airių jėzuitai pradingo; teko susiieškot archyve:

Paveikslėlio viršuje, kaip matot, 2013 metų Vasario 16-ta.  

Čia įkelkit 


ir, paspaudę BROWSE HISTORY, rasit 2013 metų Vasario 16-tą; spūstelkit ją - pamatysit šį paveikslėlį, o, luktelėję ketvirtį minutės, gal ir dar ką nors pamatysit (mano kompiutery šis vaizdelis pradingusius airių jėzuitus pakeičia). 

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Who are those people that Van Rompuy, himself schooled by the Jesuits at Sint-Jan Berchman College in Brussels, was talking about? First of all, there is José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission. Secondly, there is Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime minister of Luxembourg and Chairman of the Euro group. Van Rompuy also mentions the President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, who was schooled in the Roman Jesuit College Instituto Massimiliano Massimo. The Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and his Spanish collegue Mariano Rajoy have also been shaped by Jesuit colleges, Van Rompuy cheerfully added. Fortunately there is Angela Merkel, the stubborn daughter of a vicar from the former DDR, to act as a counterweight.

Listening to Van Rompuy, you will instantly notice the similarities of the Jesuits with Europe. Jesuits formed the vanguard of the Catholic Church, like the European elite is the vanguard of the European integration. Both portray themselves as 'the elite', elevated above the ordinary people. Their methods are very similar. A sophisticated lie or purposeful deception is allowed when framed in the interest of the greater goal. A barely contained cynicism typifies the attitude toward the normal citizen, the ignorant fool, who within a democracy needs to be protected from himself. The Catholic and European elites work through inner circles. The rest is prose. Van Rompuy, Barroso, Monti and Rajoy are frequent visitors at papal audiences.

The ECB plays a central role in the Euro zone, moving around billions of Euros, but no one knows how the bank in Frankfurt makes decisions. At least the Pope had a butler exposing the secrets.

Meanwhile, the never elected Prime Minister Monti has announced that he will start a European campaign against ‘populism’. Van Rompuy, also never elected, immediately gave him his support. Monti had earlier stated that national parliaments should not get in the way of European leaders, thereby referring to the German Bundestag. They have to be ‘educated’. Jesuits lead the people, who are in turn supposed to follow. What is populism to them? It is the ‘ignorent’ who refuses to follow: the angry Greeks, the protesting Spaniards, the concerned Germans and the Euro-critical Dutch. A Europe with such an elitist mentality needs a Reformation, but that is something Jesuits International detests. What an annoying populist he was, that Martin Luther!

Koks tekstas iš europarlamentaro, tik ne iš mūsiškio, lūpų!

Medicina paverčia žmones ligoniais, matematika - nuliūdusiais, o teologija - nuodėmingais. (Martin Luther)


Ką čia bepridursi...

Na, nebent, kad mūsų Prezidentė baigė 6 mėnesių trukmės specialią programą vadovams jėzuitų tebevaldomame universitete 1992-ais (?), o Aušrinė Marija Povilionienė - net 1984 1985-ais!

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