Fall of UK
...550 mln. litų pervesta į Kaimanų bei Mergelių salų fondus
Kaimanų salos – salos Karibų jūroje, priklausančios Jungtinei Karalystei.
Mergelių salos priklauso dviem valstybėms:
Didžiajai Britanijai (šiaurės rytinė salyno dalis); Jungtinės Karalystės Mergelių salos mažiau pasiturinčios.
Jungtinėms Valstijoms (pietvakarinė salyno dalis).
Šitie gudročiai ofšoruose tvarką prižiūri, išeitų..
O ką sakė Narkomanėlis?
Ne tai...
„Jei prireikia teismo, privalai turėti galimybę veikti Kaimanų ar Mergelių salose, kur laikomi fondai, nors pačios kompanijos gali būti įsikūrusios Europoje ar JAV“, – sakė...
Buvo laikomi...
Vadinamieji mokesčių rojai byra vienas po kito...
O kaipgi konfidencialumas=patikimumas, Sir?
Kipras ką tik, dabar gi Mergelės pleputės...
Ir visur blogi rusai su blogais pinigais...
Ne tas paveikslėlis:((
- chronology (n.)
- 1590s, from Middle French chronologie or directly from Modern Latin chronologia; see chrono- + -logy. Related: Chronologer (1570s).
before vowels chron-, word-forming element meaning "time," from Latinized form of Greek khrono-, comb. form of khronos "time, a defined time, a lifetime, a season, a while," which is of uncertain origin.
Of uncertain origin.
Kronas („raguotas“) graikų mitologijoje – vienas iš titanų (dažnai painiojamas su Chronu, laiko personifikacija). Kronas nuvertė savo tėvą Uraną, tačiau vėliau pats buvo nugalėtas savo vaikų, vadovaujamų Dzeuso.
Первоначально — бог земледелия, позднее, в эллинистический период, отождествлялся с богом, персонифицирующим время, Хроносом (др.-греч. Χρόνος от χρόνος — время).
Kronas laikytas nepermaldaujamo laiko simboliu. Kretos saloje jis
tapatinamas su Molochu, o Romoje - su Saturnu.
Kas valdo laiką, tas valdo.
Sensacinga: kalendoriaus taisyklės nustatytos 4 amžiuje.
Šituo metu.
Per Velykas javai buvo prinokę.
Chronology (from Latin chronologia, from Ancient Greek χρόνος, chronos, "time"; and -λογία, -logia) is the science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time, such as the use of a timeline or sequence of events. It is also "the determination of the actual temporal sequence of past events".
Ar nutinka pasekmė anksčiau už priežastį?
Mūsų metropolis
Atsistatydino metropolitas, paryžietis.
Penktadienį popiežius Pranciškus priėmė kardinolo Audriaus Juozo Bačkio atsistatydinimą ir nauju Vilniaus arkivyskupu metropolitu paskyrė vyskupą Gintarą Grušą.
- pope (n.)
- Old English papa (9c.), from Church Latin papa "bishop, pope" (in classical Latin, "tutor"), from Greek papas "patriarch, bishop," originally "father." Applied to bishops of Asia Minor and taken as a title by the Bishop of Alexandria c.250. In Western Church, applied especially to the Bishop of Rome since the time of Leo the Great (440-461) and claimed exclusively by them from 1073 (usually in English with a capital P-). Popemobile, his car, is from 1979. Papal, papacy, later acquisitions in English, preserve the original vowel.
- from Greek papas "patriarch, bishop," originally "father."
- metropolija
metropolis (n.)
"seat of a metropolitan bishop," 1530s, from Late Latin metropolis; see metropolitan. Meaning "chief town or capital city of a province" is first attested 1580s, earlier metropol (late 14c.)
metropolitan (adj.)
1540s, "belonging to an ecclesiastical metropolis," from Late Latin metropolitanus, from Greek metropolites "resident of a city," from metropolis (see metropolitan (n.)). Meaning "belonging to a chief or capital city" is from 1550s. In reference to underground city railways, it is attested from 1867.
metropolitan (n.)
early 15c., "bishop having oversight of other bishops," from Late Latin metropolitanus, from Greek metropolis "mother city" (from which others have been colonized), also "capital city," from meter "mother" (see mother (n.1)) + polis "city" (see polis).
mother (n.1)
Old English modor "female parent," from Proto-Germanic *mothær (cf. Old Saxon modar, Old Frisian moder, Old Norse moðir, Danish moder, Dutch moeder, Old High German muoter, German Mutter), from PIE *mater- "mother" (cf. Latin mater, Old Irish mathir, Lithuanian mote, Sanskrit matar-, Greek meter, Old Church Slavonic mati), "[b]ased ultimately on the baby-talk form *mā- (2); with the kinship term suffix *-ter-" [Watkins]. Spelling with -th- dates from early 16c., though that pronunciation is probably older.
polis (n.)
"ancient Greek city-state," 1894, from Greek polis "city, one's city; the state, citizens," from PIE *pele- "citadel, enclosed space, often on high ground" (cf. Sanskrit pur, puram "city, citadel," Lithuanian pilis "fortress").
Atlietuvinus metropolitas - motepilietis/motemiestietis.
Pagrindinis prižiūrėtojas.
Tėvas paskyrė pagrindinį prižiūrėtoją motepilietį/motemiestietį.
Ne kas.
Barbarų lietuvių kalba netinka lietuvių tikybos reikalams.
Reikia užkoduot.
Griešnų grekų gražūs žodžiai mūsų lotyniškiems dabartiniems sielovadininkams vadinti - kaip tik.
Popiežius paskyrė arkivyskupą metropolitą.
Dabar gerai.
1. virvelėmis judinama teatro lėlė.
2. b. prk. politikos veikėjas ar valstybė, aklai vykdanti kitų valią.
marionette (n.)
puppet worked by strings, c.1620, literally "little little Mary," from French marionette (16c.), diminutive of Old French mariole "figurine, idol, picture of the Virgin Mary," diminutive of Marie (see Mary).
- Mary
- fem. proper name, Old English Maria, Marie, "mother of Jesus," from Latin Maria, from Greek Mariam, Maria, from Aramaic Maryam, from Hebrew Miryam, sister of Moses (Ex. xv.), of unknown origin, said to mean literally "rebellion."
"of unknown origin"?
Kyrie eleison...
Man, man:)
Būta ir Netimero, Rikimero ir daug -merų tais laikais, kai Europa senoviškai vadinos ir dar nebuvo piramidėn surikiuota...
"of unknown origin"?
Kyrie eleison...
Man, man:)
Būta ir Netimero, Rikimero ir daug -merų tais laikais, kai Europa senoviškai vadinos ir dar nebuvo piramidėn surikiuota...
Nursery rhyme "Mary had a Little Lamb" written early 1830 by Sarah Josepha Hale of Boston; published Sept. 1830 in "Juvenile Miscellany," a popular magazine for children. Mary Jane is 1921 as the proprietary name of a kind of low-heeled shoe worn chiefly by young girls, 1928 as slang for ... marijuana.
marijuana (n.)
1918, altered by influence of Spanish proper name Maria Juana "Mary Jane" from mariguan (1894), from Mexican Spanish marihuana, of uncertain origin.
Marijuana ... makes you sensitive. Courtesy has a great deal to do with being sensitive. Unfortunately marijuana makes you the kind of sensitive where you insist on everyone listening to the drum solo in Iron Butterfly's 'In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida' fifty or sixty times. [P.J. O'Rourke, "Modern Manners," 1983
1918, altered by influence of Spanish proper name Maria Juana "Mary Jane" from mariguan (1894), from Mexican Spanish marihuana, of uncertain origin.
Marijuana ... makes you sensitive. Courtesy has a great deal to do with being sensitive. Unfortunately marijuana makes you the kind of sensitive where you insist on everyone listening to the drum solo in Iron Butterfly's 'In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida' fifty or sixty times. [P.J. O'Rourke, "Modern Manners," 1983
Marionette Universe...
- Kaip
- Šitaip pasimelsim:
ir pirmininkausim?
Šįryt prikėlęs "Klasikos" radijas po trumpų žinių Vatikano radijo lūpomis papasakojo, kad Jėzaus prisikėlimą pirmosios liudijo moterys, o jos ir vaikai pagal tuometę teisę buvę laikomi nepatikimais liudininkais.
O kaipgi dabartinių laikų visaliaudinės svarbos reikale?
Dabartės - viskas atvirkščiai.
Pontius Pilate's title was traditionally thought to have been procurator, since Tacitus speaks of him as such.
Nikolai Ge, Christ and Pilate ("What is truth?"), 1890.
What is Truth?
truth (n.)
Old English triewð (West Saxon), treowð (Mercian) "faithfulness, quality of being true," from triewe, treowe "faithful" (see true). Meaning "accuracy, correctness" is from 1560s. Unlike lie (v.), there is no primary verb in English or most other IE languages for "speak the truth." Noun sense of "something that is true" is first recorded mid-14c.
Let [Truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter. [Milton, "Areopagitica," 1644]
Truth squad in U.S. political sense first attested 1952. Truthiness "act or quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than those known to be true," catch word popularized in this sense by U.S. comedian Stephen Colbert, declared by American Dialect Society to be "2005 Word of the Year."
there is no primary verb in English or most other IE languages for "speak the truth."............?
true (adj.)
Old English triewe (West Saxon), treowe (Mercian) "faithful, trustworthy," from Proto-Germanic *trewwjaz "having or characterized by good faith" (cf. Old Frisiantriuwi, Dutch getrouw, Old High German gatriuwu, German treu, Old Norse tryggr, Gothic triggws "faithful, trusty"), perhaps ultimately from PIE *dru- "tree," on the notion of "steadfast as an oak." Cf., from same root, Lithuanian drutas "firm," Welsh drud, Old Irish dron "strong," Welsh derw "true," Old Irish derb "sure."
P.S. Susipainiojau...
Ne drūtas ąžuolas, po kuriuo druviai-žyniai žinias-teisybę kažikada žinojo ...
Kada tas buvo...
... kiek riebaus gabalinio gintaro...
Jau geriau prisipažintų esantis bėdžius: esu krivių krivaitis, pagonių žynys.
Kokia teisybė dabar be pinigo?
Ne ąžuolas, o pinigų medis....
Toks va teisybės medis dabartės, o teisybę žino .... šiuolaikiniai(?) žyniai ... žyniai?
O kaipgi dabartinių laikų visaliaudinės svarbos reikale?
Dabartės - viskas atvirkščiai.
Lrytas.lt žiniomis, mergaitė pareiškė, kad su seneliais matytis nenori. Tą patį ji sakė ir Kauno miesto apylinkės teisme, kur buvo apklausta ikiteisminio tyrimo teisėjo.
Dalį vaiko apklausos Kauno prokurorai sutiko perduoti Kedžių skundą nagrinėjančiam Raseinių rajono apylinkės teismui.
Teisėjui mergaitė papasakojo, ką jai teko patirti Kedžių ir Venckų namuose, kaip su ja elgėsi teta ir seneliai.
Kokiame ikiteisminiame tyrime liudijo L. Stankūnaitės dukra nebuvo atskleista net teismui.
Ikiteisminį tyrimą organizuoja ir jam vadovauja prokuroras. Procurator.
Pontius Pilate's title was traditionally thought to have been procurator, since Tacitus speaks of him as such.
Nikolai Ge, Christ and Pilate ("What is truth?"), 1890.
What is Truth?
Truth squad in U.S. political sense first attested 1952. Truthiness "act or quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than those known to be true," catch word popularized in this sense by U.S. comedian Stephen Colbert, declared by American Dialect Society to be "2005 Word of the Year."
there is no primary verb in English or most other IE languages for "speak the truth."............?
P.S. Susipainiojau...
Ne drūtas ąžuolas, po kuriuo druviai-žyniai žinias-teisybę kažikada žinojo ...
Kada tas buvo...
... kiek riebaus gabalinio gintaro...
Jau geriau prisipažintų esantis bėdžius: esu krivių krivaitis, pagonių žynys.
Kokia teisybė dabar be pinigo?
Ne ąžuolas, o pinigų medis....
Toks va teisybės medis dabartės, o teisybę žino .... šiuolaikiniai(?) žyniai ... žyniai?
aveniù [pranc. avenue], Prancūzijoje, D. Britanijoje, JAV — prospektas, plati gatvė;
dažn. iš abiejų pusių apsodinta medžiais.
...a way of approach to a country-house ...
"wide, main street" (by 1846, especially in U.S.)
Avignon (French pronunciation: [a.viˈɲɔ̃] ;
Often referred to as the "City of Popes" because of the presence of popes and antipopes from 1309 to 1423 during the Catholic schism, it is currently the largest city and capital of the département of Vaucluse.
dažn. iš abiejų pusių apsodinta medžiais.
- avenue (n.)
- c.1600, "a way of approach" (originally a military word), from Middle French avenue "way of access," from Old French avenue "act of approaching, arrival," noun use of fem. of avenu, past participle of avenir "to come to, arrive," from Latin advenire "to come to," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + venire "to come" (see venue). Meaning shifted to "a way of approach to a country-house," usually bordered by trees, hence, "a broad, tree-lined roadway" (1650s), then to "wide, main street" (by 1846, especially in U.S.).
...a way of approach to a country-house ...
"wide, main street" (by 1846, especially in U.S.)
Avignon (French pronunciation: [a.viˈɲɔ̃] ;
Often referred to as the "City of Popes" because of the presence of popes and antipopes from 1309 to 1423 during the Catholic schism, it is currently the largest city and capital of the département of Vaucluse.
Per "Klasikos" radijo baltarusišką laidą išgirstu šiandien: Кастусь Каліноўскі.
Ir nustembu, nes mano galvoj jis - Kostas.
Konstantinopolį paslėpė Stambulas.
The modern Turkish name for the city, İstanbul derives from the Greek phrase eis tin polin (εις την πόλιν), meaning "into the City" or "to the City".
Eis ton pilin, anot Prano?
Kam labai juokinga - pažiūrėkit frazę "up to this time", ties "This".
Konstantinopolis gi paslėpė Bizantiją, kaip tikima/įtikinėjama, kažkokio legendinio Byzo įkurtą miestą.
Mūsų Kalinauską "Klasikos" radijas, šnekėjęs gudiškai, šiandien prisiminė dėl 150-ties metų senumo sukilimo.
Ir nustembu, nes mano galvoj jis - Kostas.
Konstantinopolį paslėpė Stambulas.
The modern Turkish name for the city, İstanbul derives from the Greek phrase eis tin polin (εις την πόλιν), meaning "into the City" or "to the City".
Eis ton pilin, anot Prano?
Kam labai juokinga - pažiūrėkit frazę "up to this time", ties "This".
Konstantinopolis gi paslėpė Bizantiją, kaip tikima/įtikinėjama, kažkokio legendinio Byzo įkurtą miestą.
- busy (adj.)
- Old English bisig "careful, anxious," later "continually employed or occupied," cognate with Old Dutch bezich, Low German besig; no known connection with any other Germanic or Indo-European language. Still pronounced as in Middle English, but for some unclear reason the spelling shifted to -u- in 15c.
1 bìzalas sm. (3b)
1. toks vabalas: Šiemet beveik visus klevų lapus nugraužė bizalaĩ Žž.
2. neramumas, bizdeliojimas: Mergai bizalas užėjo Jnš.
O ar tas Byzas, kurio buvimu tikima, nepaslėpė dar senesnio Miklagardo?
Miklagarde - prekyba, biznis.
Mikliai, mikliai!
Kodėl mes tą, kurį litvinai Касту́сь vadina, taip noriai Konstantinu krikštijam?
Ar todėl, kad caro pisorius tokiu vardu jį nuosprendin ar zakrastijonas božnicos knygosna įrašė?
Bažnyčia, lyg tyčia, iš ten, iš kur griekų imperija atėjo, pareina.
Bažnyčia, lyg tyčia, iš ten, iš kur griekų imperija atėjo, pareina.
Mūsų Kalinauską "Klasikos" radijas, šnekėjęs gudiškai, šiandien prisiminė dėl 150-ties metų senumo sukilimo.
švendrinė́ti; -ė́ja, -ė́jo intr. valkiotis, dykinėti, dyrinėti: Jonas švendrinė́ja švendrinė́ja dykas, nieko nedirba Ds.
Ar teko matyt, kaip švinta prie ežero?
švéndras sm. (1) Š, DŽ1, NdŽ, J.Jabl(Vl, Ln), FrnW, Erž, Smln, Klp, (3) Vlkv, Nm, Všt, Gdl,
šveñdras (2) KII154 bot.
In 1969 and 1970, Heyerdahl built two boats from papyrus and attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Morocco in Africa. Based on drawings and models from ancient Egypt, the first boat, named Ra (after the Egyptian Sun god), was constructed by boat builders from Lake Chad using papyrus reed obtained from Lake Tana in Ethiopia and launched into the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Morocco. After a number of weeks, Ra took on water after its crew made modifications to the vessel that caused it to sag and break apart. The ship was abandoned and the following year, another similar vessel, Ra II, was built of totora by Demetrio, Juan and Jose Limachi from Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and likewise set sail across the Atlantic from Morocco, this time with great success. The boat reached Barbados, thus demonstrating that mariners could have dealt with trans-Atlantic voyages by sailing with the Canary Current.
šveñdras (2) KII154 bot.
1. R228, MŽ305, N, P, Mt, LTEXI37 pelkių, pelkėtų krantų augalas juoda sėklų buože (Typha): Pusė ežero švendraĩs užžėlė Dkš. Ale tai galvos tų švendrų̃, kaip kočėlai! Skr. Visiškai išdžiūvo meldynai, parudo, apvyto švendrai, nendrės sp. Plačialapis švendras (T. latifolia) LBŽ. Šveñdrai (T. latifolia) K. Švéndrai Rtr. Siauralapis švendras (T. angustifolia) LBŽ. Kaip priplauksiv nendrelę, tai bus mūsų močiutė, kaip priplauksav švendrelį, tai bus mūsų tėvelis BsO24.
2. Sv žr. švendrė 1: Pas mus stogai švendrais dengti LTR(Šk).
3. col. švendrynas: Ir išvydusi skrynelę žolynuosa (paraštėje švendre), nusiuntė ji savo tarnaitę ir atnešdinojo ją BB2Moz2,5.
4. Jsv meldas: Švendraĩs stotkus kamšo, kad netekėtum vanduo J. Susirišo švendrų pundelį ir plaukt per jūres!.. BsMtI92(Brt).
In 1969 and 1970, Heyerdahl built two boats from papyrus and attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Morocco in Africa. Based on drawings and models from ancient Egypt, the first boat, named Ra (after the Egyptian Sun god), was constructed by boat builders from Lake Chad using papyrus reed obtained from Lake Tana in Ethiopia and launched into the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Morocco. After a number of weeks, Ra took on water after its crew made modifications to the vessel that caused it to sag and break apart. The ship was abandoned and the following year, another similar vessel, Ra II, was built of totora by Demetrio, Juan and Jose Limachi from Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and likewise set sail across the Atlantic from Morocco, this time with great success. The boat reached Barbados, thus demonstrating that mariners could have dealt with trans-Atlantic voyages by sailing with the Canary Current.
Heyerdahl built yet another reed boat, Tigris, which was intended to demonstrate that trade and migration could have linked Mesopotamia with the Indus Valley Civilization
in what is now modern-day Pakistan. Tigris was built in Iraq and sailed
with its international crew through the Persian Gulf to Pakistan and
made its way into the Red Sea. After about 5 months at sea and still
remaining seaworthy, the Tigris was deliberately burnt in Djibouti, on April 3, 1978, as a protest against the wars raging on every side in the Red Sea and Horn of Africa. In his Open Letter to the UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, he explained his reasons:[19]
Today we burn our proud ship... to protest against inhuman elements in the world of 1978... Now we are forced to stop at the entrance to the Red Sea. Surrounded by military airplanes and warships from the world's most civilized and developed nations, we have been denied permission by friendly governments, for reasons of security, to land anywhere, but in the tiny, and still neutral, Republic of Djibouti. Elsewhere around us, brothers and neighbors are engaged in homicide with means made available to them by those who lead humanity on our joint road into the third millennium. To the innocent masses in all industrialized countries, we direct our appeal. We must wake up to the insane reality of our time.... We are all irresponsible, unless we demand from the responsible decision makers that modern armaments must no longer be made available to people whose former battle axes and swords our ancestors condemned. Our planet is bigger than the reed bundles that have carried us across the seas, and yet small enough to run the same risks unless those of us still alive open our eyes and minds to the desperate need of intelligent collaboration to save ourselves and our common civilization from what we are about to convert into a sinking ship.In the years that followed, Heyerdahl was often outspoken on issues of international peace and the environment. The Tigris was crewed by eleven men: Thor Heyerdahl (Norway), Norman Baker (USA), Carlo Mauri (Italy), Yuri Senkevich (USSR), Germán Carrasco (Mexico), Hans Petter Bohn (Norway), Rashad Nazar Salim (Iraq), Norris Brock (USA), Toru Suzuki (Japan), Detlef Zoltze (Germany), and Asbjørn Damhus (Denmark).
Gal čia Bankininkų bažnyčia?
Ar tai ir yra "Bažnyčia neturtėliams"?
Mozės žodžiai Jėzaus Bažnyčioj...
А как Церковь Православная?
12 Откроет тебе Господь добрую сокровищницу Свою, небо, чтоб оно давало дождь земле твоей во время свое, и чтобы благословлять все дела рук твоих: и будешь давать взаймы многим народам, а сам не будешь брать взаймы.
13 Сделает тебя Господь главою, а не хвостом, и будешь только на высоте, а не будешь внизу, если будешь повиноваться заповедям Господа Бога твоего, которые заповедую тебе сегодня хранить и исполнять,
14 и не отступишь от всех слов, которые заповедую вам сегодня, ни направо ни налево, чтобы пойти вслед иных богов и служить им.
19Не отдавай в рост брату твоему ни серебра, ни хлеба, ни чего-либо другого, что можно отдавать в рост; 20иноземцу отдавай в рост, а брату твоему не отдавай в рост, чтобы Господь Бог твой благословил тебя во всем, что делается руками твоими, на земле, в которую ты идешь, чтобы овладеть ею.
4Разве только не будет у тебя нищего: ибо благословит тебя Господь на той земле, которую Господь, Бог твой, дает тебе в удел, чтобы ты взял ее в наследство, 5если только будешь слушать гласа Господа, Бога твоего, и стараться исполнять все заповеди сии, которые я сегодня заповедую тебе; 6ибо Господь, Бог твой, благословит тебя, как Он говорил тебе, и ты будешь давать взаймы многим народам, а сам не будешь брать взаймы; и господствовать будешь над многими народами, а они над тобою не будут господствовать.
Откроет тебе Господь добрую сокровищницу Свою, небо...
...иноземцу отдавай в рост, а брату твоему не отдавай в рост...
Ростовщик - лицо, дающее деньги в долг под пpоценты шулеpам.
РОСТОВЩИ́К, ростовщика, муж. Человек, эксплоатирующий обращающихся к нему людей, давая деньги в долг под проценты на кабальных условиях.
«Вы сегодня недоступны и недоверчивы, как семидесятилетний ростовщик.» А.Тургенев.