
Žalieji Lietuvos žmogeliukai

Šeštadienį Šiaulių Gubernijos mikrorajono gyventojus pažadino sprogimai ir automatų salvės – jie aidėjo iš buvusios bendrovės „Šiaulių pienas“ teritorijos.

Kam kaukės?

Raskit skirtumus.

Gal Lietuvos kaukėtų karių be skiriamųjų ženklų pratybos vyko ryšium su tokiu siūlymu?:

Krašto apsaugos ministerija siūlo įstatymo pataisas, kurios, kai nevyksta karo veiksmai, leistų kariuomenei naudoti ginklą prieš neatpažintus ginkluotus asmenis Lietuvos teritorijoje.

O kaip patiktų, jei kaukėtas karys be skiriamųjų ženklų

„... turėtų teisę ir patikrinti dokumentus, ir įeiti į būstą, ir atlikti kažkokią kratą, paiešką“, – kaip dėsto A. Matonis?

Krašto apsaugos ministerija siūlymus jau po poros savaičių žada pateikti politikams.


Nelaimė ir laimė

Pasak V.Putino, Rusija sutiko nusileisti Ukrainai ir perskaičiuoti kainą dujoms, pateiktoms 2014 metų antrąjį ketvirtį po 385 JAV dol. už tūkst. kubinių metrų, pareiškė V.Putinas per spaudos konferenciją Milane.

Vadinasi, dujų kaina perskaičiuota su nuolaida 100 JAV dol. už tūkst, kubinių metrų, o bendra skolos už pateiktas dujas suma sumažės nuo 5,3 mlrd., iki 4,5 mlrd. JAV dolerių.

V.Putinas pažymėjo, kad už 2013 metų ketvirtą ketvirtį pateiktas dujas Ukraina skolinga 1,4 mlrd. JAV dol. (taip pat maždaug po 385 tūkst,. dol. už tūkst. kubinių metrų), bet Ukraina vis tiek nemoka, pridūrė jis.

Ir už dujas per pirmąjį ketvirtį Ukraina likusi skolinga 500 mln. JAV dol., kai dujos buvo tiekiamos po 268 JAV dol. už tūkst. kubinių metrų, o antrąjį ketvirtį Ukraina visiškai nieko nemokėjusi.

Tuo tarpu „Gazprom“ vadovas Aleksejus Mileris Milane sakė žurnalistams, kad Ukraina sutiko mokėti skolas po 385 JAV dol. už tūkst. kubinių metrų. Tik, anot jo, visa nelaimė yra ta, kad Ukraina neturi lėšų, todėl reikia laukti Europos Komisijos sprendimo.

Kaip nuotraukoj matyti, neigiamų palūkanų įvaldytojų nuotaika, laimė, gera.

Gal anys ir leišiam su lėšom, ne tik ukrainiens, pamačys?

Irako naujienos



Группа военнослужащих из Ирака закончила под Багдадом трехмесячный курс обучения по использованию тяжелой огнеметной системы ТОС-1А «Солнцепек». 13 октября курсанты провели экзаменационные стрельбы на полигоне и в ближайшие дни отправятся применять полученные знания и технику против боевиков «Исламского государства».

Пакетное соглашение о военно-техническом сотрудничестве на сумму 4,3 млрд долл. Россия и Ирак заключили в 2012 году. Контракт на поставку тяжелых огнеметов, артиллерийского и минометного вооружения, а также боеприпасов к ним в рамках пакетного соглашения был подписан 30 июля 2014 года. Общая стоимость поставки – 1 млрд долл.

Некоторые военнослужащие Ирака проходят обучение и в России. Это оговорено в контрактах. Уже прошла обучение и успешно воюет против террористов «Исламского государства» большая группа летчиков.

Багдад получает ударные вертолеты Ми-35М и Ми-28НЭ, которые участвуют в боях. Всего предусмотрена поставка 43 вертолетов: 28 Ми-35М и 15 Ми-28НЭ. На сегодня в Ирак поставлены не менее 12 Ми-35М и 6 Ми-28НЭ. Темпы поставки ускорены по просьбе Багдада.

Помимо вертолетов, минометных и артиллерийских систем, по сообщениям Министерства обороны Ирака, из России в последние месяцы были поставлены системы противовоздушной обороны. В их числе зенитные ракетно-пушечные комплексы «Панцирь-С1», переносные зенитные ракетные комплексы (ПЗРК) «Игла-С» и опорно-пусковые установки «Джигит», позволяющие в круглосуточном режиме производить залп сразу двух ракет «Стрела-С».

Ar ne?


Euroeconomics and Ebola

Per visą pasaulį jau daugiau kaip savaitę ritasi akcijų kursų smukimo banga, bet Europos biržose ketvirtadienį įvyko naujas šokas – antras per dvi dienas. Visose pagrindinėse biržose – Londone, Paryžiuje, Frankfurte, Milane, Amsterdame ir Lisabonoje – kursai smuko 2–3 proc.

Kol kas nedaug kas tiki, kad pasikartos tokia krizė kaip prieš kelerius metus – mat šįkart paniką lemia ir žinios apie Amerikos bei Kinijos ūkio sulėtėjimą bei Ebolos virusą.
Nesutaria ir lyderiai: Vokietijos kanclerė paragino Prancūziją ir Italiją laikytis biudžeto drausmės, o Prancūzijos prezidentas atkirto, kad jam nepavyko įtikinti kolegų, kad dabar svarbiau priemonės, skatinančios augimą.


Ar tikrai nesutaria?



Published: Sept 1, 2014
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- The French 2-year bond yield has turned negative for the first time Monday. according to Tradeweb. Two-year yields are now negative in six euro-zone countries: Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Belgium.

Ispanijai ketvirtadienį nepasisekė parduoti tiek obligacijų ir už tokią kainą, kokios norėjo vyriausybė. Graikijos vyriausybei už savo obligacijas jau vėl tenka mokėti nepakeliamas palūkanas: 9 proc.



Offshore Banking in Lithuania

Unfortunately, we no longer offer bank accounts in Lithuania due to changes in legislation, procedures and requirements there. All existing customers can continue to use the Bank Snoras banking facilities. 
We are grateful for a long and successful relationship with Bank Snoras and wish Bank Snoras and our clients who are existing customers of this bank, a continuous and successful mutually beneficial business relationship. We recommend to all our prospective clients to consider other banks which we offer. We highly recommend our Cyprus bank offer which can suit most of your business and investment needs. 


London, UK (TDN) -- Former Dominica offshore bank owner Vladimir Antonov, 37, is to be extradited to Lithuania to face fraud charges, a British court has ruled.  

Bermuda Bar 

Putino sodinimas

Elertė "Klasikos" radijas šį rytą prabilo Nacionalino saugumo komiteto pirmininko balsu.

Paaiškino, kad 76 000 karo mokslus ėjusių rezervistų (juk, išeitų, rezervistais rezervistais reikėtų juos vadinti), atėjus valandai X, turėtų žinoti, į kokį (priimančios šalies?

karinį dalinį prisistatyti ir ką jame veikti.


Skandalas: Anykščių rajono Andrioniškio seniūnas liberalas Saulius Rasalas priverstas teisintis, kad, Andrioniškio parke sodindamas du putinus, nieku gyvu neturėjęs galvoje Rusijos prezidento Vladimiro Putino.


Jie, jie, jie.

Je je je.




Štai jie.

Sentencijos ir aforizmai
  1. Politikai ir vystyklai turi būti keičiami dažnai ir dėl tos pašios priežasties. – A. Kristi.
  2. Politikai visur vienodi. Jie pažada pastatyti tiltą ten, kur net nėra upės. – N. Chruščiovas.
  3. Tik patyręs nesėkmę menininkas suvokia savo tikrąjį santykį su kūriniu, tik patyręs pralaimėjimą karvedys pamato savąsias klaidas, tik nemalonėn patekęs politikas iš tikrųjų geba aprėpti politinę situaciją. – S. Cveigas.

Kas jie?


politik|as, politikė dkt.
1. politikos veikėjas.

2. šnek. asmuo, kuris domisi politika.

polìtikas, smob. (1)
1. asmuo, dirbantis politikos srityje: Blaivūs politikai ir šaltakraujai praktinio veikimo žmonės rš. Piktas politikas SD271.
2. asmuo, kuris domisi politika.
3. DŽ prk. gudrus, apsukrus žmogus.

Negi pilietikas...

Ir ne partizanas.

non-partisan (adj.)
also nonpartisan, 1872, American English, from non- + partisan.
FIRST POLITICIAN: Who's backing this non-partisan candidate?
SECOND POLITICIAN: The non-partisan party. ["Life," Sept. 29, 1927]
politician (n.)
1580s, "person skilled in politics," from politics + -ian. It quickly took on overtones, not typically good ones. Johnson defines it as "A man of artifice; one of deep contrivance."

politics (n.)
1520s, "science of government," from politic (adj.), modeled on Aristotle's ta politika "affairs of state," the name of his book on governing and governments, which was in English mid-15c. as "Polettiques." Also see -ics.
Politicks is the science of good sense, applied to public affairs, and, as those are forever changing, what is wisdom to-day would be folly and perhaps, ruin to-morrow. Politicks is not a science so properly as a business. It cannot have fixed principles, from which a wise man would never swerve, unless the inconstancy of men's view of interest and the capriciousness of the tempers could be fixed. [Fisher Ames (1758-1808)]
Meaning "a person's political allegiances or opinions" is from 1769.

...applied to public affairs...

politic (adj.)

early 15c., "pertaining to public affairs," from Middle French politique "political" (14c.) and directly from Latin politicus "of citizens or the state, civil, civic," from Greek politikos "of citizens, pertaining to the state and its administration; pertaining to public life," from polites "citizen," from polis "city" (see polis).


polis (n.)
"ancient Greek city-state," 1894, from Greek polis "city, one's city; the state, citizens," from PIE *pele- "citadel, enclosed space, often on high ground" (cognates: Sanskrit pur, puram "city, citadel," Lithuanian pilis "fortress").
Būtumėt pilietikais - niekas prie jūsų nesikabinėtų.
Iš kurio poliaus peni jus?
Most of the significant tax havens existing today have developed around two principal geo-political poles. One pole has evolved with close links to the City of London. This includes British Crown dependencies such as the Channel Islands, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, British Overseas Territories among which the most significant tax havens are the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos and Gibraltar, and recently-independent British Imperial colonies such as Hong Kong, Singapore, the Bahamas, Bahrain and Dubai. Less significant in terms of impact, but more numerous, are newly independent British Pacific territories.

The other pole developed in Europe and consists of the Benelux countries - Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg - Ireland, and of course, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.


myth (n.)
1830, from French Mythe (1818) and directly from Modern Latin mythus, from Greek mythos "speech, thought, story, myth, anything delivered by word of mouth," of unknown origin.
Myths are "stories about divine beings, generally arranged in a coherent system; they are revered as true and sacred; they are endorsed by rulers and priests; and closely linked to religion. Once this link is broken, and the actors in the story are not regarded as gods but as human heroes, giants or fairies, it is no longer a myth but a folktale. Where the central actor is divine but the story is trivial ... the result is religious legend, not myth." [J. Simpson & S. Roud, "Dictionary of English Folklore," Oxford, 2000, p.254]
General sense of "untrue story, rumor" is from 1840.
1 mìtas sm. (2) TrpŽ senovinis liaudies pasakojimas, padavimas apie nepaprastus didvyrius ir antgamtines būtybes: Mitų turinį sudaro realios, tačiau žmonių sąmonėje fantastiškai perkurtos tikrovės atspindys rš. prk. prasimanymas: Palaidojo mitą apie hitlerinės armijos nenugalimumą rš.
2 mìtas sm. (4)
1. maistas: Liuobė, liuobė neželavodamas – mìtą išeikvojo Pl.
2. N, [K] išsimaitinimas, pragyvenimas.
3. N, [K], J išlaidos: Ant galo mąsto apie mitą ir kitus daiktus SPII162. Brangus, su mitu, mitingas SD109.

1 mìtingas sm. (1) TrpŽ viešas susirinkimas svarbiems, dažniausiai politiniams, klausimams svarstyti: Gausūs darbininkų pulkai rinkosi į mitingą (sov.) rš. Mitingo dalyvių entuziazmas buvo neapsakomai didelis sp.

2 mitìngas, -a adj. (1); SD109, N, [K] reikalaujantis daug išlaidų, brangus, vertingas: Kurs turi didį mitą, tas mitìngas J.
mitìngai adv.; [K]: Iždabintai, su mitu, mitingai SD109.

Kurs turi didį mitą, tas mitìngas J.




Education is sold

Alpha Plus Group is an English education company

which runs a network of independent schools and colleges, including among others The Falcons School for Girls. The group was acquired

by Sovereign Capital in 2002 and sold to investment group Delancey in December 2007. The chairman of governors is Sir John Ritblat, British Land’s

former chairman and major Conservative Party donor.



Ex - ducere...

Bermudų Trikampis

Bermudų trikampis (taip pat Mirties trikampis, Atlanto kapinės, Velnio trikampis) – vakarų Atlante, netoli JAV pietryčių pakrantės esantis rajonas, apimantis 1,2 mln. km² plotą. Jo ribos brėžiamos nuo Bermudų salų šiaurėje, link pietų Floridos, o iš ten į rytus per Bahamų salas, palei Puerto Riką iki 40 laipsnių vakarų ilgumos ir atgal į Bermudus.

Regionas garsus tuo, kad jame vyksta paslaptingi laivų ir lėktuvų dingimai. Šiems dingimams paaiškinti keliamos įvairiausios hipotezės, nuo neįprastų oro sąlygų iki ateivių pagrobimų. Skeptikai tvirtina, kad dingimų Bermudų trikampyje nėra daugiau nei kituose pasaulinio vandenyno rajonuose ir dingimus aiškina natūraliomis priežastimis. Tokios pačios nuomonės laikosi JAV pakrančių apsaugos tarnyba ir „Lloyd’s“ draudimo kompanija.

Pirmasis apie „paslaptingus dingimus“ Bermudų trikampyje užsiminė Associated Press korespondentas Džonsas, kuris 1950 m. šį regioną pavadino „velnio jūra“.


Nekiškit nosies, kur nereikia! 

1962 m. gegužės 27 d. paslaptingai dingo didžiausias JAV karinių pajėgų lėktuvas „C-133“, su 25 tonas sveriančiu kroviniu, o po pusantrų metų toje pačioje vietoje, paslaptingomis aplinkybėmis buvo atrastas antrasis „C-133“.

Su kroviniu atrastas, ar be?

Tada du C-133, o dabar - du Boeing 777...

Koks Paslaptingas Bermudų Trikampis, kuriame pradingsta ...



Pasaulio Pinokių Pinigai!

Svarbiausios Bermudos ūkio šakos – bankininkystė ir draudimo verslas.

Most of the significant tax havens existing today have developed around two principal geo-political poles. One pole has evolved with close links to the City of London. This includes British Crown dependencies such as the Channel Islands, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, British Overseas Territories among which the most significant tax havens are the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos and Gibraltar, and recently-independent British Imperial colonies such as Hong Kong, Singapore, the Bahamas, Bahrain and Dubai. Less significant in terms of impact, but more numerous, are newly independent British Pacific territories. 

The other pole developed in Europe and consists of the Benelux countries - Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg - Ireland, and of course, Switzerland and Liechtenstein

The only other significant tax havens today which are not part of these two poles are Panama and, to a lesser extent, Uruguay.

The history of tax havens is riddled with myths and legends.

Kaip būsi įmitęs be mitų?

Miami ... is considered a "Alpha minus (:)) world city".

Netoli ir Jamaika;)

Bermuda Bar Association!

Ne tau, Martynai...

Puerto Rico Offshore ... Cup!

Offshore Incorporations in Bahamas!

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Morten W. Høegh (born 1973)

Morten W. Høegh has served as Chairman of Höegh LNG since 2006 and is a director of Höegh Autoliners Holdings AS. From 1998 to 2000 he worked as an investment banker with Morgan Stanley in London. Morten W. Høegh holds an MBA with High Distinction (Baker Scholar) from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Ocean Engineering and Master of Science in Ocean Systems Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a graduate of the Military Russian Program at the Norwegian Defence Intelligence and Security School. Morten W. Høegh is a Norwegian citizen and he resides in the United Kingdom.

Leif O. Høegh (born 1963)
Deputy Chairman​
Leif O. Høegh has served as Deputy Chairman of Höegh LNG since 2006 and is the Chairman of Höegh Autoliners Holdings AS. Leif O. Høegh worked for McKinsey & Company and the Royal Bank of Canada Group. He holds an MA in Economics from the University of Cambridge and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Leif O. Høegh is a Norwegian citizen and resides in Norway.


660 mln.$ ( 1,8 mlrd. litų)   per 10 metų už laivo – saugyklos nuomą kompanijai, kuri gavo keturių bankų patvirtinimą, kad jie suteiks 250 mln. $ paskolą laivo – saugyklos su dujinimo įrenginiu statybai terminalui Klaipėdoje pagal AB Klaipėdos nafta užsakymą.


Praėjus 10 metų laikotarpiui, „Klaipėdos nafta“ turės teisę išpirkti laivą.

Jei nepirks - išplauks:)

Kad tik „Klaipėdos naftai“ kas nenutiktų per 10 metų!

1994 m. įsteigta Lietuvos ir JAV AB „Klaipėdos nafta“. Pasikeitus akcininkų sudėčiai, bendrovė pervadinta AB „Klaipėdos nafta“.


Andrew Jamieson (born 1947)
Director​/Chairman of Audit Committee

Andrew Jamieson has served as a Director of Höegh LNG since 2009. He has vast experience from the energy industry in general and LNG in particular, having been in charge of both the North West shelf project in Australia and Nigeria LNG for a number of years. Andrew Jamieson retired from the Royal Dutch Shell group in 2009 where he has served as Executive Vice President Gas & Projects and Member of the Gas & Power Executive Committee since 2005. From 1999 to 2004 he was Managing Director in Nigeria LNG Ltd and Vice President in Bonny Gas Transport Ltd. Jamieson has been with Royal Dutch Shell group since 1974 with positions in The Netherlands, Denmark, Australia and Nigeria, and he has been a director on the boards of several Shell companies. Jamieson holds a Ph.D. degree from Glasgow University. Andrew Jamieson is a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers and also of the Royal Academy of Engineering. Andrew Jamieson is a citizen of the United Kingdom and resides in the United Kingdom and Australia.​

Ditlev Wedell-Wedellsborg (born 1961)
Director ​

Ditlev Wedell-Wedellsborg has served as a Director of Höegh LNG since 2006. He is the owner of Weco Invest A/S, an investment company working out of Copenhagen. Previously he was a partner in the corporate finance boutique Capitellum and prior to this he held various management positions in the Danish shipping company Dannebrog Rederi A/S. He has also been a consultant with McKinsey & Co. Ditlev Wedell-Wedellsborg holds an MBA from INSEAD, France and a BA in economics from Stanford University. Ditlev Wedell-Wedellsborg is a Danish citizen and resides in Denmark.

Guy D. Lafferty (Born 1954)

Guy D. Lafferty has served as a Director of Höegh LNG since 2011. He has advised Höegh Capital Partners Ltd. on its oil, gas and other direct investments since 1990. Previously Guy D. Lafferty worked at the investment banking arm of The Royal Bank of Canada and for the National Westminster Bank in London and New York. Guy D. Lafferty is a British national and resides in the United Kingdom.

Cameron Adderley (born 1967)

Cameron Adderley has served as a Director of Höegh LNG since 2006. Cameron Adderley is a partner of Appleby, Höegh LNG’s Bermuda counsel. Cameron Adderley is the Global Practice Group Head, Corporate & Commercial of Appleby with a broad based corporate and commercial practice which includes securities, mergers and acquisitions, financing and capital markets transactions. He also advises on joint ventures including the structure, governance and finance arrangements for such transactions. Cameron Adderley graduated from the University of Bristol with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree in 1989 and qualified as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales in 1992 (now non-practising). He was called to the Bermuda Bar in September 1993. Cameron Adderley is a British citizen and resides in Bermuda.

Timothy J. Counsell (born 1958)

Timothy J. Counsell has served as a Director of Höegh LNG since 2011. Timothy J. Counsell is a partner of Appleby, Höegh LNG's Bermuda counsel and is Head of Appleby's Transport & Logistics practice sector. He has a practice area including ship and aviation finance, asset secured lending and has extensive experience with corporate governance issues as well as provision of structural advice in relation to such transactions. He graduated from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada with a Bachelor of Laws in 1988 and also possesses Master of Science and Bachelor of Science (Honours) degrees. Timothy J. Counsell was called to the Bermuda Bar in 1992, is a British and a Canadian citizen and resides in Bermuda.​

Hi guys!


Bermuda is an offshore financial centre, which results from its minimal standards of business regulation/laws and direct taxation on personal or corporate income.

Svarbiausios Bermudos ūkio šakos – bankininkystė ir draudimo verslas. 

Bermuda (Bermudai, Bermudų salos angl. Bermuda Islands) – Jungtinės Karalystės užjūrio teritorija, esanti Atlanto vandenyne, maždaug už 975 km į rytus nuo JAV. Koloniją sudaro per 150 vulkaninės kilmės salų, užimančių 58,8 km² plotą.

Bermudų trikampis:)

Bermuda Bar Association

403: Access Forbidden

Your country (LT) has been blacklisted.


Visi kartu!



Jungtinių Valstijų (JAV) Federalinės rezervų sistemos vicepirmininkas Stanley Fischeris (Stenlis Fišeris) itin teigiamai įvertino Lietuvos pastangas suvaldant šalies ekonomiką finansų krizės akivaizdoje bei pasirengimą euro įvedimui, sako Lietuvos banko valdybos pirmininkas Vitas Vasiliauskas. Kaip BNS telefonu iš Vašingtono sakė Lietuvos centrinio banko vadovas, šeštadienį vykusiame susitikime su S.Fischeriu, kuriame daugiausia dėmesio buvo skirta Lietuvos pasirengimui įsivesti eurą, JAV atstovas tvirtino, jog Lietuva galėtų būti pavyzdžiu kitoms eurozonos valstybėms.

Vis už tą patį giria.




As the governor of the Bank of Israel from 2005 to 2013, Stanley Fischer earned praises for his management of Israel’s economy during and after the Global Financial Crisis. In 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, Global Finance magazine’s Central Banker Report Card gave Fischer an “A” rating. Bank of Israel was ranked the world’s most efficiently functioning central bank under Fischer’s leadership in 2010.
Contrary to popular belief, Israel’s so-called economic strength is the byproduct of a temporary economic bubble that Fischer helped to inflate rather than the result of sound and sustainable monetary policies. Stanley Fischer is a member of the New Keynesian school of economics – a group that is notorious for using incredibly stimulative monetary policies (also known as “money printing”) to create artificial economic growth, while virtually ignoring the existence of obvious economic bubbles and the risks of monetary policy-induced inflation.

During his tenure as governor of the Bank of Israel from 2005 to 2013, Stanley Fischer’s New Keynesian policies caused the country’s M1 money supply to surge by an astounding 250 percent:
In his new role as vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, Stanley Fischer will undoubtedly encourage policies that further inflate the U.S. bubble-driven economic recovery or what I call the “Bubblecovery.” Due to the Fed’s monetary policies since the financial crisis, new bubbles are ballooning throughout the U.S. economy, including the stock market, bonds, certain segments of the housing market, technology startups, higher education, and automobile loans, to name a few examples. Like our housing bubble last decade, these post-2009 economic bubbles are helping to create the illusion of economic growth and activity, but will end in another crisis when they pop. Considering Fischer’s beliefs, he will be right at home at the Fed.


The most influential Jews of 2014:

1. Jack Lew, Secretary of the United States Treasury


2. Janet Yellen, Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve   


Gal reikia pinigų?

Pinigų yra!






1. tarnybą baigiantis karys
2. tarnybos pabaiga
Sovietmečio trumpinys; DMB - demobilizuotas.

Europos ateitis II

Sakykim, kad pasigirdo.


  1. Yes!
    5 vote(s)
  2. No!
    23 vote(s)
  3. I don't know!
    1 vote(s)
European Union

Greeting from the EU.

There has recently been an interesting discussion on an EU government sponsored forum. The forums debates will every month be summarized in report format and handed to the EU Parliament so that conclusions may be formed. This brings us to the fundemental question. How do the Japanese citizens feel about joining the EU as a Member State?

Please discuss on this thread and bring your ideas to the forum where this original discussion started. Do note that unfortunately the Europa Dialogue moderators cannot base a report on a discussion on this forum, it has to be on the Europa Dialogue forum. I also do not represent the EU or that said forum in any official capacity.

As I cannot post the link yet, please find the forum and discussion by yourself. The tag is "Europa Dialogue Japan for EU?" If someone could kindly later post the URL for anyone. Thank you!

Also, here are some of the argument for and against Japan joining the EU. Do note that all those arguments came only from the Europeans, since there isn't any Japanese on the forum. There is also a poll and it was in favour of Japan joining the EU. However, since there was an influx of Chinese people who have strongly voted No, the poll is no longer in favour of Japan joining the EU anymore.

-Japan is not part of the European continent.
-The EU has many Member States and territories who are not part of the European continet. Such as, Turkey (candidate), Cyprus, Cannary Islands and some South American and African territories.
-Japan would benefit from EU's defence policy, which is, an attack on one Member State constitutes an attack on all Member States.
-Japan's population is too large and this would mean that the Japanese would dominate the EU Parliament.
-Japanese culture is too different from European culture.
-European culture is a big mix already and adding Japanese culture, which by the way has embraced European culture already, won't do any harm.
-The Japanese share the EU's core believes and values, such as democracy, rule of law and human rights just to name a few.
-The EU and Japan would benefit from a very open market for goods, services and maybe people (there is an opt out available for people travelling freely).
-Japan should be able to join and any other nation else for that matter which satisfies the Copenhagen Criteria for EU Member State membership.
-The Japanese would never give up their Yen.
-The Japanese don't have to give up their Yen, just like how the UK didn't give up their Pound.

So, feel free to discuss here first and then contribute to the Europa Dialogue. The European Union citizens and Parliament are very keen to hear the Japanese view on this. Do note that Japan is the only country so far from the EU to be ever discussed with so much controversy and seriousness.

Have a good discussion everyone.



Astroboy 先輩

Instead of thinking about JAPAN, I suggest EU to consider Russia as Berlusconi says.


Astroboy 先輩

Tokyo Disneyland - an amusement park near Tokyo - a copy of US Disneyland, which copies European Castle.


Tokyo Disney Sea - another amusement park next to Tokyo Disneyland - a copy of Southern Europe

Nagasaki Huis Ten Bosch - an amusement park in Kyushu - a copy of Dutch Town.


So enough Europe in Japan.