
Neužmirškim Alepo II

Sirijos armija ketvirtadienį paskelbė, kad antrasis pagal dydį šalies miestas Alepas visiškai išvaduotas nuo sukilėlių.

Šio miesto užėmimas yra didžiausia Damasko režimo pajėgų pergalė jau beveik šešerius metus trunkančiame pilietiniame kare.
Mūsų apipavidalintojai (:))) nerašo to, ką, pvz., jų kolegos Izraelyje skelbia:

Russia: Mossad, other foreign agents killed in Aleppo strike

According to the Arabic-language version of Russia’s Sputnik news agency, some “30 Israeli and Western officers” died when they were hit by three Kalibr cruise missiles fired by Russian warships in a “foreign officers’ coordination operations room” in western Aleppo, near Mount Simeon.

In addition to the Mossad agents, the Russian report claimed, military officials from the United States, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Turkey — virtually every country hated by Iran, Syria and Russia — were killed in the strike, according to “battlefield sources.”

The foreign officers were “directing the terrorists’ attacks in Aleppo and Idlib,” the Iranian Fars news reported, referring to the rebel groups that control the Syrian cities.

Tuomet ir mūsų įsivaizdavimas apie tai, kas vyko Aleppo, kitoks, negu izraeliečių.

Neužmirškim Alepo.

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