planet late O.E., from O.Fr. planete (Fr. planète), from L.L. planeta, from Gk. (asteres) planetai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," of unknown origin.
So called because they have apparent motion, unlike the "fixed" stars. Originally including also the moon and sun; modern scientific sense of "world that orbits a star" is from 1640.
Buvus nebuvus Žemė plokščia.
Kaip blynas.
esame edukuoti.
paaiškinimą kad neplokščia.
Ar tikrai?
Tai - toks
O gal
Ex +
plain (adj.) c.1300, "flat, smooth," from O.Fr. plain, from L. planus "flat, even, level" (see plane (1)). Sense of "evident" is from, c.1300; meaning "simple, sincere, ordinary" is recorded from late 14c. In reference to the dress and speech of Quakers, it is recorded from 1827; of Amish and Mennonites, from 1904. Of appearance, as a euphemism for "ill-favored, ugly" it dates from 1749.
plain (n.) "level country," c.1300 (originally in reference to Salisbury Plain), from O.Fr. plain, from L. planum "level ground, plain," properly neut. of adj. planus "flat, even, level" (see plane (1)). Latin planum was used for "level ground" but much more common was campus.
plane (1) "flat surface," c.1600, from L. plantum "flat surface," properly neut. of adj. planus "flat, level, plain, clear," from PIE *pla-no- (cf. Lith. plonas "thin;" Celtic *lanon "plain;" perhaps also Gk. pelanos "sacrificial cake, a mixture offered to the gods, offering (of meal, honey, and oil) poured or spread"), suffixed form of base *pele- "to spread out, broad, flat" (cf. O.C.S. polje "flat land, field," Rus. polyi "open;" O.E., O.H.G. feld, M.Du. veld "field"). Figurative sense is attested from 1850. The verb meaning "soar, glide on motionless wings" is first recorded 1610s, from M.Fr. planer (16c.), from L. planum on notion of bird gliding with flattened wings. Of boats, etc., "to skim over the surface of water" it is first found 1913.
plant (n.)
O.E. plante "young tree or shrub, herb newly planted," from L. planta "sprout, shoot, cutting," perhaps from *plantare "to drive in with the feet, push into the ground with the feet," from planta "sole of the foot," from nasalized form of PIE *plat- "flat" (see place (n.)). Ger. Pflanze, Ir. cland, Welsh plant are from Latin. Broader sense of "any vegetable life" is first recorded 1550s. The verb, "put in the ground to grow," is O.E. plantian, from L. plantare, from planta. Related: Planted; planting. Most extended usages are from the verbal sense. Sense of a building "planted" or begun for an industrial process is first attested 1789. Slang meaning "a spy" is first recorded 1812.
plantation mid-15c., "action of planting," from M.Fr. plantation, from L. plantationem (nom. plantatio) "a planting," from plantare "to plant" (see plant). Historically used for "
colony, settlement in a new land" (1610s); meaning "
large farm on which tobacco or cotton is grown" is first recorded 1706.
plañčyti, -ija (-yja), -ijo (-yjo) tr. sunkiai, vargingai dirbti: Jis dar plančija baudžiavą par visus metus, t. y. eina J. Tai plañčyja (pjauna) vyrai lanką! Skr.
plan (n.) 1670s, "drawing, sketch, or diagram of any object," from Fr. plan "ground plan, map," lit. "plane surface" (mid-16c.), from L. planum "level or flat surface," n. use of adj. planus "level, flat" (see plane (1)). The notion is of "a drawing on a flat surface." Meaning "scheme of action, design" is first recorded 1706, possibly influenced by Fr. planter "to plant," from It. planta "ground plan." The verb is first recorded 1728. Related: Planned; planning; plans. Planned economy is attested from 1931.
Planned Parenthood (1942) formerly was Birth Control Federation of America. Phrase planned obsolescence is attested from 1966.
planimètras sm. (2) TrpŽ prietaisas plotams matuoti pagal žemėlapius, planus ir kitus brėžinius.
planšètė sf. (2)
1. plokščias krepšelis su permatomu šonu žemėlapiams: Jeronimas išsiėmė iš planšetės aptrintą žemėlapį rš.
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Vis tik, plokščia Žemė?
toks mūsų planas?
Plane Planet?