


chancel (n.)
c.1300, "part of the church around the altar," from Old French chancel, from Late Latin cancellus "lattice," from Latin cancelli (plural) "grating, bars" (see cancel); sense extended in Late Latin from the lattice-work that separated the choir from the nave in a church to the space itself.
Into the Chancel
cancel (v.)
late 14c., "cross out with lines," from Anglo-French canceler, from Latin cancellare "to make resemble a lattice," which in Late Latin took on a sense "cross out something written" by marking it with crossed lines, from cancelli, plural of cancellus "lattice, grating," diminutive of cancer "crossed bars, lattice," a variant of carcer "prison" (see incarceration). Figurative use, "to nullify an obligation" is from mid-15c. Related: Canceled (also cancelled); cancelling.
a variant of carcer "prison"

Kancleris (vok. Kanzler:, pranc. chancelier:, ang.: chancellor) – viena iš aukščiausių, o kai kuriose šalyse aukščiausia valstybės pareigybė arba titulas.

Žodis gali būti kilęs iš Senovės Romos vartų (lot. cancelli:) saugotojo (cancellarius), kuris vėliau įgijo prasmę raštininkas, raštinės (cancelliaria) vadovas, dar vėliau – miesto prižiūrėtojas (sinonimas – Praefectus urbi), valdovo rūmų prievaizdas, valdovo antspaudo saugotojas.

Chancellor (Latin: cancellarius) is a title of various official positions in the governments of many nations. The original chancellors were the cancellarii of Roman courts of justice—ushers, who sat at the cancelli or lattice work screens of a basilica or law court, which separated the judge and counsel from the audience. A chancellor's office is called a chancellery or chancery. The word is now used in the titles of many various officers in all kinds of settings (government, education, religion etc.). Nowadays the term is most often used to describe:
  • The head of the government
  • A person in charge of foreign affairs
  • A person with duties related to justice
  • A person in charge of financial and economic issues
  • The head of a university
The Chancellor of City University is the Lord Mayor of the City of London.


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Cancel The Astronauts - Animal Love Match!

The Cancel - Summer tape

1 komentaras:

audrius rašė...

Kanda sėliai keltai galai kelio galą gali kelio kryžkelėje....
Na, tai kur visi keliai veda ir baigiasi, kur jų galas, kur kančios keliais kryžiaus žygio konecas end kokio kelio galo kur ta sėlių sėla salyne palyno,....?????

Aha, kur kelio galas ir naujojo kelio pradžia, kur ta kristaus kristaporovičiaus nauja joano jono jauniaus jauno pa novėj poniška is poniška newpon'iška džiu pon.... kelį vija po navi....?

O tiek dėl paprasto kryžėlio, kryžėnklio, san.kryžos žymens žžemėj vargo... O juk taip paprastai eini kryžiun, pasuki ir toliau judi, o tie posukiai, tie kryžiai, tie pasukti kryžiai, tiek besisukantys pliusai su savo poliusais, tai tik PAPRASTI PRAEITI ŽENKLAI ŽINGSNIU VEJINANITI(EINANT)...
