

Tiesiog krito į akis, kaip Prezidentas Barackas Obama pasirašo teisės aktą, pagal kurį JAV skirs 225 milijonus dolerių priešraketinei Izraelio gynybos sistemai „Geležinis kupolas“ stiprinti...

Jis yra kairiarankisjau šeštas kairiarankis pokario JAV prezidentas.

Kokia kenkėjiška nuotrauka - net Prezidento kabineto sienos pasvirę atrodo.

 Šeši iš dvylikos.

33 HarryTruman.jpg Haris Trumanas
Harry S. Truman
1945 m. balandžio 12 d. 1953 m. sausio 20 d. Demokratas laisva
Albenas Barklis
Alben W. Barkley
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower, official Presidential portrait.jpg Dvaitas Eizenhaueris
Dwight Eisenhower
1953 m. sausio 20 d. 1961 m. sausio 20 d. Respublikonas Ričardas Niksonas
Richard Nixon
35 John F Kennedy Official Portrait.jpg Džonas Kenedis
John F. Kennedy
1961 m. sausio 20 d. 1963 lapkričio 22 d. Demokratas Lyndonas Džonsonas
Lyndon Johnson
36 Lyndon B. Johnson.jpg Lyndonas Džonsonas
Lyndon Johnson
1963 m. lapkričio 22 d. 1969 m. sausio 20 d. Demokratas laisva
Hubertas Hampris
Hubert Humphrey
37 Rn37.jpeg Ričardas Niksonas
Richard Nixon
1969 m. sausio 20 d. 1974 m. rugpjūčio 9 d. Respublikonas Spiras Egniu
Spiro Agnew
Džeraldas Fordas
Gerald Ford
38 Gerald Ford.jpg Džeraldas Fordas
Gerald Ford
1974 m. rugpjūčio 9 d. 1977 m. sausio 20 d. Respublikonas laisva
Nelsonas Rokefeleris
Nelson Rockefeller
39 Jimmy Carter.jpg Džimis Karteris
Jimmy Carter
1977 m. sausio 20 d. 1981 m. saisio 20 d. Demokratas Volteris Mondeilas
Walter Mondale
40 Official Portrait of President Reagan 1981.jpg Ronaldas Reiganas
Ronald Reagan
1981 m. sausio 20 d. 1989 m. sausio 20 d. Respublikonas Džordžas H. Bušas
George H. W. Bush
41 George H. W. Bush, President of the United States, 1989 official portrait.jpg Džordžas H. Bušas
George H. W. Bush
1989 m. sausio 20 d. 1993 m. sausio 20 d. Respublikonas Denas Kveilas
Dan Quayle
42 Bill Clinton.jpg Bilas Klintonas
William Jefferson Clinton
1993 m. sausio 20 d. 2001 m. sausio 20 d. Demokratas Albertas Goras
Al Gore
43 George-W-Bush.jpeg Džordžas V. Bušas
George W. Bush
2001 m. sausio 20 d. 2009 m. sausio 20 d. Respublikonas Ričardas Čeinis
Dick Cheney
44 BarackObama2005portrait.jpg Barakas Obama
Barack Obama
2009 m. sausio 20 d.
Demokratas Džo Bidenas
Joe Biden

Kas antras, nors tik kas dešimtas Žemės gyventojas – kairiarankis.

Koks atsitiktinumas atsitiko Amerikoj:) 

Štai jie:

Kaire ranka pasirašyta:

 Ir vėl kaire.

Istoriškai susiklostė taip, kad kairės rankos dominavimas buvo vertinamas kaip blogas įprotis, polinkio į nervingumą, maištavimą ir kriminalą požymis.

Anglų kalboje žodis „kairė“ („left“) atsirado iš senovės anglų kalbos žodžio „lyft“, kuris reiškė „silpnas“ arba „sulaužytas“.

left (adj.)
c.1200, from Kentish and northern English form of Old English lyft- "weak, foolish" (compare lyft-adl "lameness, paralysis," East Frisian luf, Dutch dialectal loof "weak, worthless"). It emerged 13c. as "opposite of right" (the left being usually the weaker hand), a derived sense also found in cognate Middle Dutch and Low German luchter, luft. But German link, Dutch linker "left" are from Old High German slinc and Middle Dutch slink "left," related to Old English slincan "crawl," Swedish linka "limp," slinka "dangle."

Replaced Old English winestra, literally "friendlier," a euphemism used superstitiously to avoid invoking the unlucky forces connected with the left side (see sinister). The Kentish word itself may have been originally a taboo replacement, if instead it represents PIE root *laiwo-, meaning "considered conspicuous" (represented in Greek laios, Latin laevus, and Russian levyi). Greek also uses a euphemism for "left," aristeros "the better one" (compare also Avestan vairyastara- "to the left," from vairya- "desirable"). But Lithuanian kairys "left" and Lettish kreilis "left hand" derive from a root that yields words for "twisted, crooked."

As an adverb from early 14c. As a noun from c.1200. Political sense arose from members of a legislative body assigned to the left side of a chamber, first attested in English 1837 (by Carlyle, in reference to the French Revolution), probably a loan-translation of French la gauche (1791), said to have originated during the seating of the French National Assembly in 1789 in which the nobility took the seats on the President's right and left the Third Estate to sit on the left. Became general in U.S. and British political speech c.1900.

Used since at least c.1600 in various senses of "irregular, illicit;" earlier proverbial sense was "opposite of what is expressed" (mid-15c.). Phrase out in left field "out of touch with pertinent realities" is attested from 1944, from the baseball fielding position that tends to be far removed from the play. To have two left feet "be clumsy" is attested by 1902. The Left Bank of Paris (left bank of the River Seine, as you face downstream) has been associated with intellectual and artistic culture since at least 1893.

Tik žiūrėk, kad sau karaliumi pasidarytum vieną iš savo giminaičių; kokio nors svetimtaučio – žmogaus, kuris nėra tavo giminaitis, karaliumi negali pasidaryti.

Mitzvot Done with the Right Hands, and Guidelines for Left-Handed People.


Shalom America ...
Simply The Best :)

I go chop!

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