
Mišių aukojimas

Elertė "Klasikos" radijas kviečia ant Perkūno šventyklos pastatyton Arkikatedron, kur bus aukojamos Šventos mišios.

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Aukojamos mišios - Missa celebratur

  1. third-person singular present passive indicative of celebrō

From celeber ‎(numerous; frequent).

celebrate (v.) 

mid-15c., originally of the Mass, from Latin celebratus "much-frequented; kept solemn; famous," past participle of celebrare "assemble to honor," also "to publish; sing praises of; practice often," originally "to frequent in great numbers," from celeber "frequented, populous, crowded;" with transferred senses of "well-attended; famous; often-repeated." Related: Celebratedcelebrating.

Celebrate - švęsti.
Mass celebration.
Mums - mišių aukojimas.

Jiems - masinis šventimas.

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