Vilniuje posėdžiavusio ECB vadovas M. Draghi pasakė, ką mano apie V. Vasiliauską
2019-06-07 13:05
Vasiliauskai, iš kur paimsi milijardą Snorui??? Juk advokatūros Guru - JAV advokatų kompanija Alton & Bird LLP, - kuri atstovauja Snoro akcininkus Tarptautiniame arbitraže ICC Paryžiuje bei gina tokias pasaulio milžines kaip Apple, Microsoft, Google Inc., Inc., Wall-Mart Stores Inc, General Electric Co., Panasonic Corp., LG Electronic, Nokia, Toyota Motors Corp, Porche, Ford Motor Co., Citigroup Inc,. American Express Co., Exxon Mobil Corp., ConocoPhillips Co., Starbuks Corp ir t.t. ir pan. lengvai perkąs Lietuvą kaip popkorną ir užgers Coca-Cola, kurios interesus taip pat atstovauja.
Alston & Bird LLP is an international global law firm with over 800 lawyers in 11 offices throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. The firm provides a full range of legal services to domestic and international clients who conduct business worldwide.[citation needed] Alston & Bird has advised companies including, The Coca-Cola Company, Microsoft, Bank of America, Starbucks, Toyota, Dell, UPS, and Nokia. For the past 19 years, Fortune has ranked the firm in the 100 Best Companies to Work For list.[1] Core practices include intellectual property, complex litigation, corporate and tax, with national industry focuses in energy and sustainability, health care, financial services and public policy.[2] In March 2017, the firm boosted its West Coast presence with the opening of its San Francisco office.[3]
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