
Talmudo Kalėdos

Ginčijasi visi iš kur Kalėdų vardas kilęs...

The Mishna and Talmud (Avodah Zara 8a) describe a pagan festival called Saturna which occurs eight days before the winter solstice.

It is followed eight days after the solstice with a festival called Kalenda.

The Talmud ascribes the origins of this festival to Adam, who saw that the days were getting shorter and thought it was punishment for his sin.

He was afraid that the world was returning to the chaos and emptiness that existed before creation.

He sat and fasted for eight days.

Once he saw that the days were getting longer again he realized that this was the natural cycle of the world, so made eight days of celebration.

The Talmud states that this festival was later turned into a pagan festival.

Later because Adam was earlier.

Of course.

No doubt.

Roman disc in silver depicting Sol Invictus (from Pessinus in Phrygia, third century AD

Dedication made by a priest of Jupiter Dolichenus on behalf of the wellbeing (salus) of the emperors, to Sol Invictus and the Genius of the miitary unit equites singulares

Looks like...

Mosaic of Christ as Sol or Apollo-Helios in Mausoleum M in the pre-4th-century necropolis beneath St. Peter's in the Vatican, which many interpret as representing Christ

Very ancient.






1 komentaras:

audrius rašė...

Doremi pasolia si
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Sielija supa mirė rėdo
Daro reda myrio pasaulietijos....
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Mes ne posaulės ratu, rate pasaulės ne mes....
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