

Per metus Lietuvos oficialiosios tarptautinės atsargos išaugo 5 proc.


Ne tik turim atsargų, bet jos netgi išaugo!

Oficialiųjų tarptautinių atsargų lėtesnį augimą lėmė 195,5 mln. litų sumažėję Lietuvos banko išorės įsipareigojimai ir 3 mln. litų mažesnė specialiųjų skolinimosi teisių vertė.

You really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order, a financial world order,” Soros told FT. I think the makings of it are already there because the G20 effectively is moving in that direction.” Soros also advocated for the creation of at least a limited global currency. Soros said the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights — could be the backbone of a new global currency. “Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, were created in 1969 as a way of supplementing countries’ currency reserves. Their value is determined by a formula based on the values of the US dollar, the British pound, the Japanese yen and the Euro. As Soros noted, China itself has advocated creating a global reserve currency from the IMF’s drawing rights. European leaders such as British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have also called for an expanded role for the IMF in the emerging global economy.

Some critics of the global financial system have argued that SDRs are the like the thin end of the wedge to the creation of a world government, IMF and the G20 undermine the sovereignty of nations by taking control of economic policy out of the hands of national leaders. Soros’ comments are unlikely to assuage those concerns.

Kas toks penktas, irgi perbrauktas, kybo?

Wealth is a source of discord among kinsmen;
the wolf lives in the forest.

SDR - Specialiosios Skolinimosi Teisės.

Teisė juk nieko bendro su tiesa neturi, ar ne?


Ŧe truŧ.


Būsimoji mūsų vertybė, kurios sieksim?


Pasaulis, kurio bamba - $$Ŧ generatorius...


Some people, mostly children, also use the gesture to excuse their telling of a white lie. This may have its roots in the belief that the power of the Christian cross might save one from being sent to hell for telling a lie.

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