
The plus and minus signs (+ and ) are mathematical symbols used to represent the notions of positive and negative as well as the operations of addition and subtraction. Their use has been extended to many other meanings, more or less analogous. Plus and minus are Latin terms meaning "more" and "less", respectively.

... "more" and "less" ... tvarka...

Positive and negative.


minister (n.)
c.1300, "one who acts upon the authority of another," from Old French menistre "servant, valet, member of a household staff, administrator, musician, minstrel" (12c.), from Latin minister (genitive ministri) "inferior, servant, priest's assistant" (in Medieval Latin, "priest"), from minus, minor "less," hence "subordinate," (see minus) + comparative suffix *-teros. Formed on model of magister. Meaning "priest" is attested in English from early 14c. Political sense of "high officer of the state" is attested from 1620s, from notion of "service to the crown."

..."service to the crown"...

The Crown

Karūna, Mažoras pro šitokį
minusą važiuoja nė nestabteldama.

Jis -  pavaldiniams.


Paprastiems žmonėms.

O kaip lietuviškai vadinti ministrų kabinetą?

from minus, minor "less"...

from Latin cavea "stall, stoop, cage, den for animals" (see cave (n.))

Mažiukų, menkystų kavo?

×kavóti, -ója, -ójo (l. chować, brus. xaвaць) tr.
1. N, K slėpti: Kažno, kur anas obuolius kavója? Vžns. Kavok greičiau kirvį! Gršl. ^ Kas moka vogti, tas moka ir kavoti LTR(Lnkv). | refl.: Anys kavojas šiauduos Sdk. Tu galėsi po patalais kavotis Slnt. Gana tau kavotis, pasrodyk bent kartą žmonėm Dgl. Kodėl tu nuo manęs kavojys? Gr. Jis, matyt, bijo žmonių, kad kavójasi Pg. Kas gyvas, bėgo kavotis rš. Gal ir mani priimste kavótis (tokį žaidimą žaisti, kur reikia pasislėpusių ieškoti)? Brs. Vilkas bėga į mišką kavóties J.

Kas gi čia?


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