
Įsakymo laukiama

Dešimtmetį tarnybai Rusijos gynybos pajėgose paskyręs, o aktyvią tarnybą baigęs būdamas elitinių pajėgų kuopos vadu karininkas Andrejus Zolotinas mėgaujasi civiliniu gyvenimu. Penkerius metus su žmona gyvena Kaune, augina 8 metų sūnų ir trejų su pusę dukrytę.

Lietuvoje įsikūręs Rusijos rezervistas pragyvena iš to, ką moka geriausiai – tapo rusų kariuomenėje sukurto savigynos ir kovos sistemos sambo instruktoriumi, įkūrė klubą, Kaune bei Vilniuje rengia treniruotes.

Du vaikus auginantis karininkas ir savigynos treneris vos prieš mėnesį grįžo iš Rusijos, kur dalyvavo kovinėse operacijose. Nuolatos karinio konflikto eigą šioje šalyje stebintis karys pripažino - bet kurią akimirką gali būti vėl pašauktas skristi į Rusiją ir apsivilkti uniformą.

Ne, ne siaubas:

ne Rusijos ir rusų, o Izraelio ir žydų, ne sambo, o Krav Maga.

Joks ne siaubas, tiesa? 

Ar  ne?

Jeigu konfrontacija su žydų valstybę 

puolančia teroristine organizacija „Hamas“ paaštrės, kariuomenė į tarnybą skubiai pašauks ne tik Izraelyje gyvenančius, bet ir po visą pasaulį išsibarsčiusius rezervistus.

... skubiai pašauks po visą pasaulį išsibarsčiusius rezervistus.

Kieno  dar rezervistai išsibarstę po visą pasaulį? 

 ... teroristine organizacija „Hamas“ ...

 International designation of Hamas


Country Designation
 Australia The military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, is listed as a terrorist organization.
 Canada Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the Government of Canada currently lists Hamas as a terrorist entity, thus establishing it as a terrorist group, since 2002. 
 European Union Hamas has been included in the black list of EU-designated terrorists groups since 2003
 Israel The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states, "Hamas maintains a terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank, and acts to carry out terrorist attacks in the territories and Israel."
 Japan As of 2005, Japan had frozen the assets of 472 terrorists and terrorist organizations including those of Hamas.
 Jordan Banned Hamas in 1999 In 2013, Jordan rejected requests to allow Hamas to return.
 Norway Norway does not designate Hamas a terrorist organization, but declared it will not have any political contact with Hamas, denouncing the use of violence against Israeli civilians and the military takeover of Gaza. In 2006, it reorganized financial support to the Palestinian Authority in order to prevent funding of Hamas-led institutions.
 Russia Russia does not designate Hamas a terrorist organisation, and held direct talks with Hamas in 2006, after Hamas won the Palestine elections, stating that it did so to press Hamas to reject violence and recognise Israel. An Israeli official has said that Russia will reduce its ties to Hamas.
 Turkey The Turkish government met with Hamas leaders in February 2006, after the organization's victory in the Palestinian elections. In 2010, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan described Hamas as "resistance fighters who are struggling to defend their land".
 United Kingdom The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades have been listed as a proscribed organization under the Terrorism Act since 2001, but Hamas as a whole is not listed.
 China As of 2006, China does not designate Hamas to be a terrorist organization and acknowledges Hamas to be the legitimately elected political entity in the Gaza Strip that represents the Palestinian people. Despite U.S. and Israeli opposition, the Chinese government met with senior Hamas representative Mahmoud al-Zahar, who previously served as Palestinian foreign minister, during the June 2006 China-Arab Cooperation Forum in Beijing, an held direct bilateral talks with Hamas and the Arab World. In addition, during the same month, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry further elucidated Beijing's pro-Palestinian stance regarding Hamas in spite of U.S. and Israeli opposition to China's associations and close relationship with the organization, stating, "We believe that the Palestinian government is legally elected by the people there and it should be respected."
 United States Lists Hamas as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization"
 Egypt Banned Hamas in 2014 and branded it a terrorist organization. Egyptian authorities accuse the group of supporting al Qaeda-inspired Islamist insurgents in the Sinai peninsula.

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Baisu, o jei dar pridėjus akmenimis-kulėmis apkultus, užmėtytus Galijotų tankus, tai išvis kraupu daros Izraeliui ir jos galioms galimybinėms apsiginti...