Vien matematikoj kiek...
ordnen + -ung
Etimologijos neturi:(
- ordain (v.)
- late 13c., "to appoint or admit to the ministry of the Church"... from stem of Old French ordener "place in order, arrange, prepare; consecrate, designate" (Modern French ordonner) and directly from Latin ordinare "put in order, arrange, dispose, appoint," from ordo (genitive ordinis) "order" (see order (n.)).
- order (n.)
- early 13c., "body of persons living under a religious discipline," from Old French ordre "position, estate; rule, regulation; religious order" (11c.), from earlier ordene, from Latin ordinem (nominative ordo) "row, rank, series, arrangement," originally "a row of threads in a loom," from Italic root *ord- "to arrange, arrangement" (source of ordiri "to begin to weave;" compare primordial), of unknown origin.
Kokie gudrūs:
The Ordnung is a set of rules for Amish, Old Order Mennonite and Conservative Mennonite living. Ordnung is the German word for order, discipline, rule, arrangement, organization, or system..
Alles klar?
Modern bureaucratic usage is a reminder of the dark ages
when clergy alone could read and write and were employed for that skill by secular authorities.
Wiesz, nievieža?
- ordain (v.)
- late 13c., "to appoint or admit to the ministry of the Church"... from stem of Old French ordener "place in order, arrange, prepare; consecrate, designate" (Modern French ordonner) and directly from Latin ordinare "put in order, arrange, dispose, appoint," from ordo (genitive ordinis) "order" (see order (n.)).
- order (n.)
- early 13c., "body of persons living under a religious discipline," from Old French ordre "position, estate; rule, regulation; religious order" (11c.), from earlier ordene, from Latin ordinem (nominative ordo) "row, rank, series, arrangement," originally "a row of threads in a loom," from Italic root *ord- "to arrange, arrangement" (source of ordiri "to begin to weave;" compare primordial), of unknown origin.
Yra dar ir Orda.
Орда́ (древнетюрк. ordu — «ставка, резиденция хана, дворец» [1]) — военно-административная организация у тюркских и монгольских народов. В средние века этим словом обозначалась ставка, столица правителя государства, откуда произошло название крупных феодальных государств и союзов кочевых племён, например, Золотая Орда, Ногайская Орда, Белая Орда.
Позднее в европейской исторической литературе в связи с созданием негативного образа древних степных народов Азии это слово приобретает негативное значение (нечто вроде «войско-стая врагов-кочевников-захватчиков»).
Lietuviai ne tik ardus turi, bet ir ardyti moka.
3 apárdyti tr.
1. cur. 1 aparti 2: Apárdė seredėlę Grv.
2. apkaupti: Reikia jau ir bulbės apárdyt Grv.
1 árdinti, -ina, -ino, ardìnti, -ìna, -ìno cur. 1 arti 1: Jiems netinka, kad tamista ardinì telėtninką J.
1 išárdinti cur. 1 išarti 1: Klebonas išárdino pievą Kp. Jeruzolimos vietą Titus išardino M.Valanč.
Tas 1 ardyti...
1 ardýti, ar̃do, ar̃dė tr.
ardýtinės sf. pl. (1) ardymas: Kai jau prasideda ardýtinės, tai dažniausiai ir išardo [vestuves, darbą] Grž.
1. SD318, R griauti, versti: Neardýk tvoros Kp. Stogą jau nuplėšė, dabar sienas ar̃do Dkš. Kakalį ardýt K. | Ar̃do ežerą (vėjas aptirpusį ledą laužo) Sn. ║ naikinti: Piktas vieras ... ardyk Mž56.
Tai ir pamintykim, mentą pajudinkim - ardysim ar ne; ką ardysim, jei sumintysim, ir ką po tam tversim.
O tai patys matot, koks tas ordino ordnunginis mentalitetas.
O tai patys matot, koks tas ordino ordnunginis mentalitetas.
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