O šita?
Ko aš taip?
Ar Viduramžių Europos universitetuose be Abraomo apsieita?
Universitas magistrorum et scholarium Parisiensis.
Pamaišykim, pamaišykim!
The "Nations" appeared in the second half of the twelfth century; they were mentioned in the Bull of Honorius III in 1222; later they formed a distinct body. By 1249 the four nations existed with their procurators, their rights (more or less well-defined), and their keen rivalries: the nations were the French, English, Normans, and Picards. After the Hundred Years' War the English nation was replaced by the Germanic.
Universitetas glūpiems studentams išaiškindavo, iš kokios anie nacijos yra.
Universitetas gi!
Not Polish:(
Anglija karą pralaimėjo...
Tai Paryžiaus Universiteto Mokslininkai ėmė kitaip tyčinti.
Tyčia ripleisino inglišus germanais.
O ko jie pralaimėjo?
Rėpliokit salon, ripleisintieji!
The Four Nations:)
O kas ten dešiniau boluoja?
Bene Natio Nationis?
Kokie bjaurukai!
Neišmano valdymo reikalų.
Bet išmoko...
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