
Įdomi kompanija, arba pažink Europą

tai buvo ...

Karolis Didysis, Pater Europea,
Antipopiežiaus šventasis:

1165 m. gruodžio 29 d. Frydricho Barbarosos iniciatyva Antipopiežius Paschalis III paskelbė Karolį Didįjį šventuoju ir Pater Europae.

Šio Antišventojo junkerio medalis:
The first Charlemagne Prize was awarded to Richard Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder of the Pan-European Movement.

1950  Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi
1951  Hendrik Brugmans
1952  Alcide de Gasperi
1953  Jean Monnet
1954  Konrad Adenauer
1956  Sir Winston S. Churchill
1957  Paul Henri Spaak
1958  Robert Schuman
1959  George C. Marshall
1960  Joseph Bech
1961  Walter Hallstein
1963  Edward Heath
1964  Antonio Segni
1966  Jens Otto Krag
1967  Joseph Luns
1969  European Commission
1970  François Seydoux de Clausonne
1972  Roy Jenkins
1973  Salvador de Madariaga
1976  Leo Tindemans
1977  Walter Scheel
1978  Konstantinos Karamanlis
1979  Emilio Colombo
1981  Simone Veil
1982  Juan Carlos of Spain
1984  Karl Carstens
1986  The People of Luxembourg
1987  Henry Kissinger
1988  Helmut Kohl and  François Mitterrand
1989  Frère Roger
1990  Gyula Horn
1991  Václav Havel
1992  Jacques Delors
1993  Felipe González
1994  Gro Harlem Brundtland
1995  Franz Vranitzky
1996  Beatrix of the Netherlands
1997  Roman Herzog
1998  Bronisław Geremek
1999  Tony Blair
2000  Bill Clinton
2001  György Konrád
2002  The Euro
2003  Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
2004  Pat Cox2004  /  John Paul II (extraordinary prize)
2005  Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
2006  Jean-Claude Juncker
2007  Javier Solana
2008  Angela Merkel
2009  Andrea Riccardi
2010  Donald Tusk
2011  Jean-Claude Trichet
2012  Wolfgang Schäuble
2013  Dalia Grybauskaitė
2014  Herman Van Rompuy
2015  Martin Schulz
2016  Pope Francis

2013  Dalia Grybauskaitė
2015  Martin Schulz

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi[1] (November 16, 1894 – July 27, 1972) was an Austrian-Japanese* politicianphilosopher and count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. A pioneer of European integration, he served as the founding president of the Paneuropean Union for 49 years
A pioneer of European integration!
Europa-Platz – Coudenhove-Kalergi in Klosterneuburg, Austria

In his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism), 
The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. ...
Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.

The European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi has awarded Chancellor Angela Merkel the European Prize 2010.
The prize is awarded every two years for exceptional contributions to the European unification process.
* Fugu**

** Civili in fuga***

*** Run Baby Run!****

**** TheFugees !!

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