
Ir atvyko riteris...

Ir atjojo į Konrado I Mazoviečio jiems paskirtą prūsų Kulmo žemę pirmieji riteriai Konradas fon Landsbergas ir Otonas fon Zaleidenas.

Dabar mūsų žemėn iš tos pat pusės
atvyko gerokai bagotas ponas Schwarz
šiuolaikiškai ginkluotas - pinigais, tikrais:)

Apginklavo dviese:

1. Pasaulio bankas Pasaulio Finansų Centre beišsikvepiančiame;
2. Mūsų Kovo 11-osios proga (byrant sovietynui) sukurtas bankas (kur atkeliavo - Ukrainon:))
Landynėje, kurio tarnautojai netgi turi teisinę neliečiamybę:

Article 4: Immunity from judicial proceedings
1. Within the scope of its official activities the Bank shall enjoy immunity from
jurisdiction, except that the immunity of the Bank shall not apply:
a) to the extent that the Bank shall have expressly waived any such immunity in
any particular case or in any written document;
b) in respect of civil action arising out of the exercise of its powers to borrow
money, to guarantee obligations and to buy or sell or underwrite the sale of
any securities;
c) in respect of a civil action by a third party for damage arising from a road
traffic accident caused by an Officer or an Employee of the Bank acting on
behalf of the Bank;
d) in respect of a civil action relating to death or personal injury caused by an
act or omission in the United Kingdom;
e) in respect of the enforcement of an arbitration award made against the
Bank as a result of an express submission to arbitration by or on behalf of
the Bank; or
f) in respect of any counter‑claim directly connected with court proceedings
initiated by the Bank.

Article 10: Immunity of property and inviolability of Archives
of the Bank
1. The property and assets of the Bank, wheresoever located and by whomsoever
held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any
other form of interference or taking or foreclosure by executive or legislative action.
2. The Archives of the Bank shall be inviolable.


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