
France sans révolution

Совет Безопасности ООН: Признать Президента РФ Путина В.В. военным преступником.

Interactive map and list of European countries by percent of population per country that has signed an Avaaz petition at least once :

In 2008, Canadian conservative minister John Baird labeled Avaaz a "shadowy foreign organization" tied to billionaire George Soros.

Another conservative Canadian, Ezra Levant, tried to make a link between Soros and Avaaz.org as an indirect supporter through MoveOn, but the article was later retracted as baseless and an apology was offered to Soros.

Some question whether Avaaz's focus on online petitions and email campaigns may encourage laziness, transforming potential activism into clicktivism. A New Republic article accuses them of false claims regarding Paul Conroy's escape from Syria. Jillian York has accused Avaaz of lack of transparency and arrogance. The Defensor Da Natureza's blog has accused Avaaz of taking credit for the success of the Ficha Limpa anti-corruption bill in Brazil, which Luis Nassif reposted. The Art of Annihilation blog have also published an investigative report.


25 июля 2014 года была удалена петиция к ООН "О признании президента Украины Петра Порошенко военным преступником", набравшая более 200 000 голосов. https://secure.avaaz.org/ru/petition/OON_Priznat_prezidenta_Ukrainy_Petra_Poroshenko_voennym_prestupnikom/?cyZrLgb

Dvi peticijos

2 komentarai:

audrius rašė...

Sarmatija ir bezSarmatija ar gėdžiai ir begėdžiai, ar dievai ir bedieviai, ar getukai-žemiečiai ir svetimi-bežemiai, na ir tttt, ir panašiai panovėj ir pasenovėj...

Tuo žmogus, žmonės, žmonija ir skiriasi nuo vergystos svetimos de gradų, bez gradų, be žemės, be pbalos, be salos, be dalios, be rasumo, be ..... beeeee neeeee

audrius rašė...

Sorošas -Švarcas - juoda bala balinti palas palankus blankus blankas plovykla.....






Rugpjūtis atostogų metas kūnams plautis druskos voniose, balų purve, Radtnyčios versmėse, turtų plovimo metuose kitose salose...

Gražu Druskininkuose rugpjūtyje...:)
