
Show of European unity

Džiuzepė Garibaldis (it. Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807 m. liepos 4 d. – 1882 m. liepos 2 d.) – Prancūzijoje gimęs Italijos karinis ir politinis lyderis, įžymus italų revoliucionierius.
Garibaldis atliko svarbų vaidmenį kovoje dėl Italijos* susivienijimo ir išvadavimo. Dėl karinių veiksmų Europoje ir Pietų Amerikoje buvo vadinamas „Dviejų pasaulių herojumi“ [1]. Laikomas Italijos nacionaliniu didvyriu.
Show of European unity: Merkel, Hollande, Renzi meet to discuss gameplan
The leaders of Germany, France and Italy will meet on Monday to discuss how to keep the European project together in the second set of talks between the premiers of the euro zone's three largest economies since Britain's shock vote to leave the bloc.
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi hosts German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande on an island off the coast of Naples ahead of September's EU summit called to discuss reverberations from the Brexit vote.

"They will be coming to discuss how to relaunch Europe from the bottom up, there's a big need," Renzi said on Sunday.

"Relaunching Europe is a totally open game but it needs to be played," he said.

Officials in Brussels and Berlin fear the June 23 vote could lead to a referendum in the Netherlands - a founding member of the union - on whether to also leave the bloc.

"Monday aims to show the unity of Europe's three biggest countries, but not to create a specific club," a French diplomatic source said, noting that the aim was to prepare for the groundwork for the forthcoming Bratislava summit.

Faced with existential risks, Merkel wants to cement "a better Europe" rather than forge ahead with "more Europe". Renzi wants Italy to have a strong voice in how the bloc's future is shaped after Brexit and, according to the French diplomatic source, Hollande wants an EU-wide investment plan to be doubled.

In another symbolic choice of venue, the three leaders will hold their closing news conference on the Italian aircraft carrier, the Garibaldi,
which is the flagship of the EU's "Sophia" mission in the Mediterranean.**

* Romos sutartis***
** Atbėgėliai ir pabėgėliai...
Emboldened by the Brexit vote, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called a referendum on Oct. 2 on whether to accept any future EU migrant settlement quotas as his government steps up its fight against the EU's migration policies.

*** Vėliau Romos sutartį pataisė ir papildė kitos sutartys: Mastrichto sutartisAmsterdamo sutartisNicos sutartisLisabonos sutartis bei naujų Europos Sąjungos valstybių stojimo sutartys.[1]

Kurios****, suprantama, saugomos ne kur kitur, o Romoje.
**** Kas skaitėt sutartį?*****

Stojimo į ES sutartį Lietuvos vardu pasirašė premjeras Algirdas Brazauskas ir užsienio reikalų ministras Antanas Valionis, ceremoniją stebėjo prezidentas Rolandas Paksas.
*****  Europos Komisijos atsakymas Lietuvai******
****** Vis dėl Pavojingojo Referendūmo*******
******* Penimi esam (daugiau negu ketvirčiu, kasdien),

esam penimi iš nieko daromais skaičiais - taip mus įpratino, pripratom ir leidžiamės geriesiems penėtojams mus penėti - nes pagalvot tingim.

Kaip šitaip nusigyvenom?

Kadaise protingesni, savarankiški buvom.********

******** Pažink Europą

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